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DO terraform module db1000n

This module creates a number of servers in each of provided region. If you set count = 2 and regions = ["nyc1", "nyc2", "nyc3"] this will create six servers total. Two servers in each of regions.


  • Digital Ocean account
  • API key
  • Already present SSH key in DO account
  • Terraform



variable "do_token" {
  type    = string
  default = "your_API_key"

How to add SSH key

Settings -> Security -> Add SSH key

remeber key's name and add it into: ./ string digitalocean_ssh_key =

module "db1000n" {
  source               = "./module"
  count                = 2
  regions              = ["nyc1", "nyc3", "sfo3", "ams3", "sgp1", "lon1", "fra1", "tor1", "blr1"]
  name                 = "db00-${count.index}"
  digitalocean_tag     = "stop-sites"
  image_name           = "ubuntu-20-04-x64"
  size                 = "s-1vcpu-1gb"
  ipv6                 = true
  backups              = false
  monitoring           = true
  droplet_agent        = true
  tags                 = "stop-sites"
  digitalocean_ssh_key = "SSH_key_name"

count = - it's number of droplets creates in each of regions

Version - db1000n_version = "v0.5.20" actual version you may get there

Also means

you are using ssh keys with name ~/.ssh/ if not, change it in ./module/ these variables variable "pub_key" and variable "pvt_key"

Run terraform init If I didn't miss anything, you will not get an error message. Then terraform plan and terraform apply delete terraform destroy -auto-approve