About WakandaGantt
Custom Widget for Wakanda
The WakandaGantt makes your gantt projects easy to create and manage. A full feature gantt and tasks editor, this widget is based on the jQuery Gantt editor -written by Roberto Bicchierai and Silvia Chelazzi (https://github.com/robicch/jQueryGantt).
Fully compatible with Wakanda >8, the WakandaGantt adds all the dependencies needed to have a draggable and bindable widget directly in Wakanda.
Here some screenshots:
Original product
Drag and drop to the Wakanda Studio
Property panel at the Wakanda Studio
This widget WakandaGantt has the following properties:
- gantDataClass: The dataclass used for the data
- projectAttribute: The string attribute from the gantDataClass used to store the data
You need an attribute string to save the data.
The widget comes with a save button that will save the data to your wakanda database.
The WakandaGantt CSS is very simple, the widget basically uses the CSS already provided from the original project (more information down below)
For more information on how to install a custom widget, refer to Installing a Custom Widget.
For more information about Custom Widgets, refer to Custom Widgets in the Architecture of Wakanda Applications manual.
The WakandaGantt is based on thejQuery Gantt editor has been written by Roberto Bicchierai and Silvia Chelazzi
If you want to know more about the JQuery Gantt :
Try the online working demo here: http://gantt.twproject.com
Documentation is here: http://roberto.open-lab.com/2012/08/24/jquery-gantt-editor/
jQuery Gantt editor is part of Twproject 5 project