Working on another project at this moment, building a campervan. If this is finished I will update the component HA is also starting with a project for a native component
Home assistant niu sensor component to read the parameters of your scooter for more scooters just add the components again with increasing the scooter id scooter id 0 (one scooter) scooter id 1 (two scooters) etc
Username and password are the credentials of the niu app.
At this moment the NIU sport plus has a bug, at least this type scooter stops after a certain time updating. When this happen, component will show the last updated values. With a restart of your your HA, you need to turn on your scooter for a short time to see all sensor values. Niu promises with a new firmware to solve this problem. Location is added as attributes to scooter_connected sensor
Installation: copy "_, manifest.json," to custom_components\niu directory see configuration.yaml for adding the sensors to your system, change email address, password and country restart home assistant
Need some time to make it more official HA component, but his one stil works