Work on Windows Server.
This template use PowerShell Cmdlets to discover all informations for Microsoft DHCP Server Scope in one shot and send it to zabbix server/proxy in json.
Default French translation.
Items : IPs availables in dhcp scope, Number of IPs reserved, Number of IPs used, Percentage of IPs used and state DhcpServer service.
-------- Item --------
-------- Triggers --------
[HIGH] => Service DHCPServer Stop
Discovery : All Scope in DHCP Server
Triggers : [AVERAGE] => More than 5 IPs available in the Scope range
Install :
Import template,
Install the Zabbix agent2 on your host,
Copy zabbix_dhcp_scope.ps1 in your zabbix agent2 directory,
Add the following line to your Zabbix agent configuration file :
(or create userparameter and change zabbix item "Start DHCP Job").