zombie hunting game for eggdrop
clone into eggdrop scripts/ folder
add "source scripts/zboe/main.tcl" to your conf
edit scripts/zboe/zboe-settings.tcl to your liking
zboe can be started several ways. Firsty, if "start on join" is enabled, it will start an active hunt upon joining the "home channel"
Otherwise, use "[pubtrig]zboe hunt start"
zboe will track XP, ammo, clips, and Horde Tokens. It features a reloading system, and soon a fully featured shop, but currently the shop is free and only offers clips.
Horde Tokens will be used to make "player upgrades" for things like better accuracy, clip capacity and storage space, and boosts for things like xp, tracker ammo, etc.
XP will be used to purchase horde tokens and clip storage. These upgrades are permenant.
Currently the shop is still in development, and some items are listed but not implemented
pugtrig - public trigger character. EXAMPLE: set to @ to use @shoot, or ^ to use ^shoot, etc
controller - owner control command, whole command goes here, not just trigger character
homechan - The channel you want the script to run on.
sqldir - Directory to use for sqlite3 db file. probably set this to somewhere your web server can access, HTML/PHP stats page coming soon.
trigger - trigger sensitivity, max of 15. higher means more encounters
accuracy - difficulty, lower means more misses. max of 100
time - how often, in minutes, the system should "roll for an enounter"
multiz - have more than one zombie at a time? [added in build 081800]
roast - roast players for not hitting the zombie, when mutliz is disabled and a new encounter would spawn a zombie
startonjoin - start an active hunt session when zboe joins the homechan
maxhorde - maximum horde size for multi-zombie mode
Determines prices for system shop, here we will describe what each option is for, and what they use for currency. Some use XP, and some use Horde Tokens (HT)
clips - (XP) max storage for players ammo clips
lvlup - (HT) Player level, also increases base accuracy, and clip storage
accuracyupgrade - (HT) Player accuracy, increases by 5
clipupgrade - (HT) Clip Storage, increases by 1
hordetoken - (XP) high cost XP to Horde Token conversion