If you need help, or have an issue, please use the GitHub issue tracking, however you can contact me on irc.rvzm.me, channel #zhost :)
To get started, edit 'zconf-settings.tcl.dist' and save as 'zconf-settings.tcl'
!!! zConf is still in BETA TESTING - some features may not work
- eggdrop 1.8
- tcl package sqlite3
- ZNC with admin
your ZNC should have a 'zconf' account with admin rights, the password will be set in the zconf-settings.tcl
You should have the following modules loaded:
- controlpanel
- blockuser
- lastseen
To avoid flood ignores for znc, telnet/DCC to bot and do these:
- .+bot znc
- .+host znc *![email protected]
- .chattr znc +f
Command | Effect |
request | Request a ZNC account |
approve | activate your account with the given approval code |
status | View current zConf server status |
help | get help with zConf |
version | view zConf version |
adminlist | list zConf admins |
access | view the zConf ZNC "access points" - what to connect to |
pwdgen | generate a random password using the default password length |
Command | Effect |
lastseen | Show last connection of a user |
admin | manage the zConf admins |
-> regset | manage public registration on/off |
-> approve | approve an account |
-> add | add a zConf admin |
-> remove | remove a zConf admin |
-> reg | register a user |
-> freeze | Freeze an account |
-> restore | Unfreeze an account |
-> purge | Delete an account |
m | moderator command |
-> op | give a user operator status |
-> deop | remove a users operator status |
-> voice | grant a user voice status |
-> devoice | remove a users voice status |
-> kick | kick a user from the channel |
-> ban | ban a user from the channel |