This repo is contains my conf files. Mostly for Neovim(mangaed by Lazy and Mason), Vim(managed by Vundle), Tmux(managed by tpm) and Wezterm. I use Dotbot to install my dotfiles. I'm pretty happy to how tmux is configured with both Vim and Neovim.
I used to have Vim as my main editor for years before migrating to Neovim, so I came up with a configuration structure that holds both lua and vimscripts that configures both editors while keeping common configurations in a single place. They are all placed in the nvim directory though.
├── common.vim (Vimscript that holds both Vim and Neovim basic configurations)
├── init.lua (Neovim specific lua configs)
├── nvim.vim (Neovim specific vimscript configs)
├── vimrc (Vim specific vimscript configs)
└── lua (Neovim specific keymaps, plugins confs etc)
├── keymaps.lua
└── plugins
├── lsp.lua
├── octo.lua
- Vim
- My personal Vim configs with it's own plugin manager
. The vim's config make it only a custom text editor,
- My personal Vim configs with it's own plugin manager
- Neovim
- My personal Neovim configs with it's own plugin manager
. These configs, take leverage of LSP support along side of clangd and some other LSP to work with C++ projects and also support for some other languages such as Python, Lua, CMake, bashscript, vimscript, json and xml files - Some of niche plugins with packer. If interested in any, check the pluging repo at Github :
: Highlight fidl filespowerman/vim-plugin-AnsiEsc
: Highlight AnsiEsc textnumToStr/Comment.nvim
: A commenting pluginsimrat39/symbols-outline.nvim
: A tree like view for symbolslewis6991/gitsigns.nvim
: Very usful for git operation, especially for diffviewrmagatti/goto-preview
: This is gold, very usfull to preview the definition of word under cursorsindrets/diffview.nvim
: Usful for diffviews and merge conflict resolvingRRethy/vim-illuminate
: Dope, jump to the next refrence for the word under the cursor based on treesitter parser or LSPpwntester/octo.nvim
: This one is very nerdy and neat, I review PR's and adress comments on my PR's within neovim, it's dope
- There is a bunch of classic plugins like Telescope, which-key, tree-sitter and status-line that are configured
- My personal Neovim configs with it's own plugin manager
Core concept of how to be consistent in Navigation, creation, resizing and moving Tabs, Panes and Woindows
Vim/Neovim mostly uses Ctrl Tmux mostly uses Alt Wezterm mostly uses Alt+Ctrl
Env | Pane Nav | Tab Nav | Pane Sizing | Tab new | Pane New | Tab move |
Neovim | C-hjkl | S- < > | Arrow | C-c | S- | - |
Tmux | M-hjkl | M- < > | M-Arrow | M-c | M- | - |
Wezterm | M-C-hjkl | M-C- < > | M-C-Arrow | M-C-c | M-C- | - |