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JWT Reconcile

A Kong plugin that enables an extra HTTP POST/GET request - jwt-reconcile-request - before proxying to the original request.


In some cases, you may need to validate your requests using a separated HTTP service.

For every incoming request, you might forward the path, host, headers and body to your jwt-reconcile-request. The body response might be injected into the original header request.


$ luarocks install kong-plugin-jwt-reconcile

Update the plugins config to add jwt-reconcile:

plugins = bundled,jwt-reconcile

Inject user data into the header

  1. Request with some JWT;
  2. jwt-reconcile will send jwt-reconcile-request to some service;
  3. The service will validate the JWT, perform some custom logic and return a JSON with role and userId properties;
  4. jwt-reconcile will add the role and userId to the original header: x-role and x-user-id;
  5. The destination service doesn't need to validate the JWT, just rely on the headers x-role and x-user-id.


You can add the plugin on top of an API by executing the following request on your Kong server:

$ curl -X POST http://kong:8001/apis/{api}/plugins \
    --data "name=jwt-reconcile" \
    --data "config.url=http://myservice:8080"
Parameter default description
config.url [required] Service where the requests will be made.
config.path /api/v1/auth/reconcile Path on service where the requests will be made.
config.method POST Allowed values: POST and GET.
config.connect_timeout 5000 Connection timeout (in ms) to the provided url.
config.send_timeout 10000 Send timeout (in ms) to the provided url.
config.read_timeout 10000 Read timeout (in ms) to the provided url.
config.copy_headers true Forward the request headers to jwt-reconcile-request headers.
config.forward_path false Forward the request path to jwt-reconcile-request body.
config.forward_query false Forward the request query to jwt-reconcile-request body.
config.forward_headers false Forward the request headers to jwt-reconcile-request body.
config.forward_body false Forward the request body to jwt-reconcile-request body.
config.inject_body_response_into_header true Inject jwt-reconcile-request response into the request header. Note: The response MUST BE a JSON and the property key will be dasherized (kebab-case).
config.injected_header_prefix "" (empty) Prefix to the injected headers.
config.streamdown_injected_headers false When this option is enabled, jwt-reconcile will add to the response header all headers added by jwt-reconcile and by the middle-service.


Kong Custom Plugin: JWT Reconcile







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