Modelled the palletizing problem as a POMDP and solved it using a Soft-Actor Critic Method
- The boxes will be coming in an online fashion and a particular sequence
- Boxes can be rotated before placement
- Placement done in top-down approach
- Box not placed successfully is discarded
- All 6 orientations of a box are considered stable
- State is made of 2 components.
$s_p, s_b$
- The palette state
$s_p$ can be understood as the height state of the pallete. It's of size$L\times W$ - The box state
$s_b$ captures the state of the boxes.$s_b = {b_i}$ ,$i={1,...,n}$ where$n$ is the number of boxes in the sequence.$b_i$ =$(l_i, w_i, h_i, P_i)$ . Where$P_i = 0$ if the box is yet to be loaded,$1$ if is loaded successfully,$-1$ if discarded.
Since the boxes are placed in a sequence, we only care of the boxes orientation and location placed. Hence
At each timestep, only a certain segment of the sequence is visible to the agent
We wish to maximise for maximum volume packed in the pallete. Hence the reward is the fraction of the box packed of the total palette volume. The reward is 0 if the box is discarded. Additionally, there is an instability penalty, which is measured using local differencing method: Taking the RMSE of the convolution with filter of [[-1, -1, -1],[-1, 8, -1], [-1, -1, -1]] and normalizing with
I used a Soft Actor Critic network with a double Q network for the critic.
Create the environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate environment conda activate PalletizerEnv
Run python
- Consider using a PCT for POMDP structure
- Incorporate a transformer based SAC network