Simple Keras callback that pings your slack channel with training results
- Create a test Slack token. Legacy token allows you to do everything we need here.
- pip install slackclient
- Configure the callback
#This is how you should store your tokens
token='xoxp-yourtokengoeshere'#and not like this!!!
description='Mnist model MLP 512-RELU-DO0.2-512-RELU-DO0.2'#model descrition
message='Epoch {epoch:03d} loss:{val_loss:.4f} acc:{acc:.4f} val_loss:{val_loss:.4f} val_acc:{val_acc:.4f} '#format what to report
slack=SlackCallback(token, channel='#general', model_description=description,mode='max', monitor='val_acc',message=message,best_only=True)
channel - which channel to post results to.
model_description - pretty self explanatory
mode 'min' or 'max' - lower of higher is better (accuracy - max, loss - min)
best_only - report only if there's an improvement
- Use Callback history =, y_train, validation_data=(x_test, y_test),callbacks=[slack])
Tensorflow 1.1+ Keras 2.x slackclient