Counts pulses on specified GPIO pin and writes to a logfile. I use this to count the pulses from my electric power meter (DDS238), where each pulse is 1 Wh (as 1000 pulses per kWh).
- Raspberry Pi (tested on Raspbian)
- GPIO python library installed: "sudo apt-get install RPi.GPIO"
mkdir git
cd git
git clone
cd GPIO-counter
chmod +x
The GPIO-counter is now installed.
To use gpio-counter from the commandline, do this:
$ sudo /home/pi/git/ 23 /var/log/gpio23-counter.log debug
Verbose is On
GPIO is 23
Logfile is /var/log/gpio23-counter
Current value is 320
New value is 321
New value is 322
New value is 323
New value is 324
New value is 325
New value is 326
New value is 327
New value is 328
New value is 329
New value is 330
$ cat /var/log/gpio23-counter.log
2014-10-18 12:22:27.207244
You can feed this info into MRTG
To start the counter automatically start at boot time, do this:
sudo crontab -e
and fill out:
@reboot /home/pi/git/GPIO-counter/ 23 /var/log/gpio23-counter.log &
Don't forget the ampersand at the end
Reboot your Raspberry, and check the daemon is running:
$ ps -ef | grep -i gpio | grep python
root 2136 1 0 12:22 ? 00:00:00 python /home/pi/git/GPIO-counter/ 23 /var/log/gpio23-counter.log
You should only see one line. If you see two lines, check that you filled out the ampersand at the end of the crontab line.
You can continously monitor the output to the log file with 'tail -f':
$ tail -f /var/log/gpio23-counter.log 2> /dev/null
2014-10-18 15:02:25.868110
2014-10-18 15:19:35.624902
2014-10-18 15:19:38.109248
2014-10-18 15:19:42.162002
2014-10-18 15:19:44.190460