kdu_perf tests the in-memory performance of the
class exposed by the Kakadu
macro found in the
source file of the Kakadu SDK may need to
be commented out to achieve best performance on low latency HTJ2K codestreams.
IMPORTANT: While kdu_perf is published under an open-source license, the Kakadu SDK is a commercial library licensed under a restrictive license. The kdu_perf license does not extend to the Kakadu SDK and a separate license for Kakadu SDK must be obained.
- Kakadu SDK library files (version 9.4.1+)
- C++11 toolchains
- CMake
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/sandflow/kdu-perf.git
cd kdu-perf
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DKDU_LIBRARY=<path to libkdu_a84R.so> \
-DKDU_INCLUDE_DIR=<path to Kakadu SDK include headers> \
./kdu_perf ../src/test/resources/codestreams/ht.j2c
kdu_perf [OPTION...] <path to j2c codestream>
-r, --repetitions arg Number of repetitions per thread (default: 100)
-t, --threads arg Number of threads (default: 1)