LipikaIME a user-configurable, phonetic, Input Method Engine for Mac OS X with built-in support for the Bengali, Devanagari, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Tamil and Telugu scripts, as well as the ISO-15919 romanisation scheme. It can also output IPA for Sanskrit and Tamil. It includes support for ITRANS, Baraha, Harvard Kyoto, Barahavat and Ksharanam transliteration schemes.
Copyright (C) 2013 Ranganath Atreya
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see LICENSE file.
Lipika IME is a multi-codepoint, user configurable, phonetic, input method engine. Originally, designed to type Sanskrit using Devanagari on a Mac. It can be configured to work with any other Indic script of similar structure.
To install LipikaIME, follow the Installation Instructions.
- Highly maintainable proprietary scheme format
- Schemes standerdized for applicability to all Indian languages
- ITRANS, Baraha, Harvard Kyoto, Barahavat and Ksharanam
- Minimized exceptions for individual language
- Unicode mapping to all major Indian language scripts
- Bengali, Devanagari, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Tamil and Telugu
- Standerdized naming for consistent transliteration
- Support for combining fresh typing with existing glyph
- Several bug fixes around candidate window configuration
- Input Schemes menu now groups schemes by language or rather script
- Added Kannada mappings: Baraha, Barahavat and ITRANS
- Added Telugu mappings: Baraha, Barahavat and ITRANS
- Preferrences greately simplified
- Input and Output can be displayed or not
- Input and Output can be displayed either in pop-up window or client
- Greater font control for pop-up text
- Ability to choose pop-up panel type
- Added ability to turn off candidate window
- Echo input text in the client window
- More configuration options for input and candidate text
- Added standard Baraha scheme
- Ability to configure log level; default is warning
- Configurable backspace behavior: delete mapping, delete ouput
- Configurable onUnfocus behavior: commit inflight, discard inflight, restore inflight onFocus
- Open sourcing the code on github
- ITRANS version 5.30 using classes for maintainability
- Backspace now deletes single output character at a time
- Various bug fixes including fix for #11
- Ability to choose from list of available schemes
- User preferences with ability to configure candidate window
- Functionality to automatically persist user preferrences
- Added ITRANS.scm for Indian languages TRANSliteration
- Various bug fixes
This first release is a minimal credible product with the following features:
- User configurable IME mapping in Google IME cannonical scheme format.
- Single candidate in cadidate window showing the current word being worked on.