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jaredhoberock edited this page Mar 8, 2013 · 5 revisions


Occasionally we may desire to customize the behavior of a Thrust algorithm. This page describes how to embed fine-grained customization into a Thrust program by modifying how an existing Thrust backend system works. We can do this by hooking into the execution policy protocol Thrust uses to dispatch its algorithms.

Simple Example

As a completely trivial example, let's suppose that we want thrust::for_each to print a message each time it gets invoked on device iterators. Otherwise, we want to preserve thrust::for_each's existing functionality.

We begin by defining a new execution policy derived from thrust::device_execution_policy. This will just be an empty struct:

#include <thrust/execution_policy.h>

struct my_policy : thrust::device_execution_policy<my_policy> {};

Note that we pass the name of our policy (my_policy) as a template parameter to thrust::device_execution_policy. This ensures that we don't lose track of the type during algorithm dispatch.

Next, we'll provide our own version of for_each. It will print a message, and then call the normal device version of thrust::for_each. Let's see what that looks like:

template<typename Iterator, typename Function>
  Iterator for_each(my_policy, Iterator first, Iterator last, Function f)
  std::cout << "Hello, world from for_each(my_policy)!" << std::endl;

  return thrust::for_each(thrust::device, first, last, f);

The function signature of our version of for_each looks just like thrust::for_each, except that we've inserted a new parameter whose type is the execution policy we created. This allows our for_each to hook into Thrust's dispatch process, and it only applies when the execution policy matches my_policy.

After printing our message, we call thrust::for_each using the normal thrust::device execution policy which corresponds to Thrust's device backend.

Now let's write a program to invoke our version of for_each. Whenever we want our version to be invoked, we pass an instance of our policy type as the first argument. It's as simple as that!

int main()
  // Create a device_vector.
  thrust::device_vector<int> vec(1);

  // Create a execution policy object.
  my_policy exec;

  // Invoke thrust::for_each with our policy object as the first parameter.
  thrust::for_each(exec, vec.begin(), vec.end(), thrust::identity<int>());

  // Invocations without an execution policy are handled normally by inspecting the system tags
  // of the iterator parameters
  thrust::for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), thrust::identity<int>());

  return 0;

The second call to thrust::for_each doesn't generate any message, because it is invoked using the normal dispatch process which selects an execution policy based on the iterators' tags, which are device_system_tag in this example.

The full source code for this program is included in the minimal_custom_backend example.

Temporary Allocation Example

Some function invocations can be intercepted in this way to improve Thrust's performance. For example, Thrust uses the function get_temporary_buffer to allocate temporary memory used in the implementation of some algorithms. In the CUDA system, get_temporary_buffer calls cudaMalloc, which can be a performance bottleneck. So it can be advantageous to intercept these kinds of calls if a faster allocation scheme is available.

This example demonstrates how to intercept get_temporary_buffer and return_temporary_buffer when Thrust is allocating temporary storage. We proceed in the same manner as in the last example: we introduce a special my_policy type to distinguish which calls to Thrust should be customized, and we introduce special overloads of get_temporary_buffer and return_temporary_buffer which get dispatched when my_policy is encountered.

First, we'll begin with my_policy:

#include <thrust/execution_policy.h>

struct my_policy : thrust::device_execution_policy<my_policy> {};

Next, we'll define overloads of get_temporary_buffer and return_temporary_buffer. For the purposes of illustration, they'll simply call thrust::device_malloc and thrust::device_free:

template<typename T>
  thrust::pair<thrust::pointer<T,my_policy>, std::ptrdiff_t>
    get_temporary_buffer(my_policy, std::ptrdiff_t n)
  std::cout << "get_temporary_buffer(my_policy): calling device_malloc" << std::endl;

  // ask device_malloc for storage
  thrust::pointer<T,my_policy> result(thrust::device_malloc<T>(n).get());

  // return the pointer and the number of elements allocated
  return thrust::make_pair(result,n);

template<typename Pointer>
  void return_temporary_buffer(my_policy, Pointer p)
  std::cout << "return_temporary_buffer(my_policy): calling device_free" << std::endl;


To test whether our versions get dispatched, let's use my_policy when calling thrust::sort:

int main()
  size_t n = 1 << 10;
  thrust::host_vector<int> h_input(n);
  thrust::generate(h_input.begin(), h_input.end(), rand);

  thrust::device_vector<int> d_input = h_input;

  // create an instance of our execution policy
  my_policy exec;

  // any temporary allocations performed by this call to sort
  // will be implemented with our special overloads of
  // get_temporary_buffer and return_temporary_buffer
  thrust::sort(exec, d_input.begin(), d_input.end());

  return 0;

This code demonstrates the basic functionality, but the more sophisticated custom_temporary_allocation example shows how to build an allocation scheme which caches calls to thrust::device_malloc.

Non-Primitive Algorithms

Does this mean that every algorithm has to have a special system-specific version? No. Most algorithms are non-primitive, which means they may be implemented with other algorithms. For example, thrust::copy may be implemented with thrust::transform:

template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
  OutputIterator copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result)
  typedef typename thrust::iterator_value<InputIterator>::type T;
  return thrust::transform(first, last, result, thrust::identity<T>());

Only "primitives" like for_each require special system-specific implementations because they can't be expressed in terms of other algorithms. However, because we might wish to provide a special implementation, the entry points of these non-primitive algorithms still get dispatched just like thrust::for_each. This is useful when a faster implementation of an algorithm exists, even though it is non-primitive. If no specialization is found, the generic forms of these non-primitive algorithms are dispatched instead.