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new handler: inspect and insert proof template
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Vince committed Feb 20, 2024
1 parent 289b27f commit e0cbc2c
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Showing 10 changed files with 405 additions and 243 deletions.
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions src/Server/CustomMethod.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ data ReqKind
-- new
| ReqHelloWorld Range
| ReqReload
deriving (Generic)
| ReqRefine2 Range Text
| ReqInsertProofTemplate Range Text

instance FromJSON ReqKind

Expand All @@ -79,8 +80,13 @@ instance Show ReqKind where
show (ReqInsertAnchor hash ) = "InsertAnchor " <> show hash
show (ReqSubstitute i ) = "Substitute " <> show i
show ReqDebug = "Debug"
show (ReqHelloWorld range) = "HelloWorld" <> show (ShortRange range)
show (ReqHelloWorld range) = "HelloWorld " <> show (ShortRange range)
show ReqReload = "Reload"
show (ReqRefine2 range text) = "Refine2 " <> show (ShortRange range)
<> " " <> show text
show (ReqInsertProofTemplate range hash)
= "InsertProofTemplate " <> show (ShortRange range)
<> " " <> show hash

data Request = Req FilePath ReqKind
deriving Generic
Expand Down
258 changes: 23 additions & 235 deletions src/Server/Handler2/CustomMethod.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,260 +8,48 @@ module Server.Handler2.CustomMethod where
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JSON

import Server.CustomMethod (Response (..), Request (..), ReqKind (..), ResKind (..))
import Server.Monad (ServerM, convertErrorsToResponsesAndDiagnostics, LoadedProgram (..))

import Data.Loc.Range (Range (..), rangeFile, rangeStart, rangeEnd, withinRange, fromLoc)
import Data.Text (Text)

import qualified GCL.WP as WP
import qualified Syntax.Concrete as C
import qualified Syntax.Parser as Parser
import qualified Syntax.Abstract as A
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Server.Monad (ServerM)
import qualified Server.Monad (convertErrorsToResponsesAndDiagnostics)
import Error (Error(..))
import Control.Monad.Except (runExcept)
import Pretty (toText)
import Data.Loc hiding ( fromLoc )
import GCL.Type (ScopeTreeZipper)
import qualified GCL.Type as TypeChecking
import qualified Data.List as List
import Syntax.Abstract (Expr)
import GCL.WP.Type (StructWarning)
import GCL.Predicate (PO (..), Spec (..))
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import Render (Section (..), Deco (..), Block (..), Render (..), RenderSection (..))
import Server.Handler.Diagnostic (makeDiagnostic, Collect (collect))
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)

import Server.Handler2.Utils
import Server.Highlighting (collectHighlighting)
import Server.Hover (collectHoverInfo)
import Server.GoToDefn (collectLocationLinks)
import qualified Server.Handler2.CustomMethod.Reload as Reload (handler)
import qualified Server.Handler2.CustomMethod.Inspect as Inspect (handler)
import qualified Server.Handler2.CustomMethod.Refine as Refine (slowHandler)
import qualified Server.Handler2.CustomMethod.InsertProofTemplate
as InsertProofTemplate (slowHandler)
import qualified Server.Handler2.CustomMethod.HelloWorld as HelloWorld (handler)

handler :: JSON.Value -> (Response -> ServerM ()) -> ServerM ()
handler params responder = do
-- JSON Value => Request => Response
case JSON.fromJSON params of
JSON.Error msg -> do
-- logText
-- $ " --> CustomMethod: CannotDecodeRequest "
-- <> Text.pack (show msg)
-- <> " "
-- <> Text.pack (show params)
$ " --> CustomMethod: CannotDecodeRequest "
<> Text.pack (show msg)
<> " "
<> Text.pack (show params)
responder $ CannotDecodeRequest $ show msg ++ "\n" ++ show params
JSON.Success request -> handleRequest request
-- convert Request to Response and Diagnostics
handleRequest :: Request -> ServerM ()
handleRequest _request@(Req filePath reqKind) = do
case reqKind of
ReqReload -> handleReload filePath respondResult respondError
ReqHelloWorld range -> handleHelloWorld range respondResult respondError
_ -> return $ error "Not yet implemented"
ReqReload -> Reload.handler filePath respondResult respondError
ReqInspect range -> Inspect.handler range respondResult respondError
ReqRefine' range text -> Refine.slowHandler range text respondResult respondError
ReqInsertProofTemplate range hash -> InsertProofTemplate.slowHandler filePath range hash respondResult respondError
ReqHelloWorld range -> HelloWorld.handler range respondResult respondError
_ -> respondError (Others "Not implemented yet.")
respondError :: Error -> ServerM ()
respondError err = do
(responsesFromError, diagnosticsFromError) <- Server.Monad.convertErrorsToResponsesAndDiagnostics [err]
(responsesFromError, diagnosticsFromError)
<- Server.Monad.convertErrorsToResponsesAndDiagnostics [err]
sendDiagnostics filePath diagnosticsFromError
responder (Res filePath responsesFromError)

respondResult :: [ResKind] -> ServerM ()
respondResult results = responder (Res filePath results)

-- Hello World --

handleHelloWorld :: Range -> ([ResKind] -> ServerM ()) -> (Error -> ServerM ()) -> ServerM ()
handleHelloWorld range onFinish onError = do
let filepath :: FilePath = rangeFile range
replaceWithHelloworld filepath range (do
let helloWorldRange = rangeAfterReplacedWithHelloWorld range
let diagnosticOnHelloWorld = makeDiagnostic Nothing helloWorldRange "Hello, World?" "This is a warning"
_ <- sendDiagnostics filepath [diagnosticOnHelloWorld]
version <- bumpVersion
onFinish [
ResDisplay version [
Section Blue [
Header "Hello, world" Nothing
, Paragraph $ fromString "LSP server successfully responded."
) onError

replaceWithHelloworld :: FilePath -> Range -> ServerM () -> (Error -> ServerM ()) -> ServerM ()
replaceWithHelloworld filepath range onFinish onError = do
maybeSource <- getSource filepath
case maybeSource of
Nothing -> onError (CannotReadFile filepath)
Just source -> do
logText "before replacement"
logText source
logText "\n"
editText range "Hello, World!\n" $ do
maybeSource' <- getSource filepath
case maybeSource' of
Nothing -> onError (CannotReadFile filepath)
Just source' -> do
logText "after replacement"
logText source'
logText "\n"

rangeAfterReplacedWithHelloWorld :: Range -> Range
rangeAfterReplacedWithHelloWorld range =
Range (rangeStart range) (addToCoff 13 $ rangeEnd range)
addToCoff :: Int -> Pos -> Pos
addToCoff offset pos = Pos (posFile pos) (posLine pos) (posCol pos) (posCoff pos + offset)

-- Reload --

reload :: FilePath -> (LoadedProgram -> ServerM ()) -> (Error -> ServerM ()) -> ServerM ()
reload filepath onFinish onError = do
-- load source
maybeSource <- getSource filepath
case maybeSource of
Nothing -> onError (CannotReadFile filepath)
Just source ->
-- parse source into concrete syntax
case parse filepath source of
Left err -> onError err
Right concrete ->
-- dig holes and convert to abstract syntax
toAbstract filepath concrete (\abstract -> do
-- type check
case typeCheck abstract of
Left err -> onError err
Right scopeTree ->
-- calculate proof obligations, specs and other hints
case WP.sweep abstract of
Left err -> onError (StructError err)
Right (pos, specs, warnings, redexes, counter) -> do
-- cache all results
loadedProgram <- cacheProgram filepath LoadedProgram
{ _highlightingInfos = collectHighlighting concrete
, _abstractProgram = abstract
, _scopingInfo = collectLocationLinks abstract
, _typeCheckingInfo = collectHoverInfo abstract scopeTree
, _proofObligations = List.sort pos
, _specifiations = sortOn locOf specs
, _warnings = warnings
, _redexes = redexes
, _variableCounter = counter
onFinish loadedProgram
) onError

handleReload :: FilePath -> ([ResKind] -> ServerM ()) -> (Error -> ServerM ()) -> ServerM ()
handleReload filepath onFinsih onError = do
reload filepath (\loadedProgram -> do
-- send warnings as diagnostics
let warnings = _warnings loadedProgram
let diagnostics = concatMap collect warnings
sendDiagnostics filepath diagnostics

-- send all hints as reponses for client to render
version' <- bumpVersion
let response = loadedProgramToReponse loadedProgram version' Nothing
onFinsih response
) onError

parse :: FilePath -> Text -> Either Error C.Program
parse filepath source =
case Parser.scanAndParse Parser.program filepath source of
Left err -> Left (ParseError err)
Right program -> Right program

toAbstract :: FilePath -> C.Program -> (A.Program -> ServerM ()) -> (Error -> ServerM ()) -> ServerM ()
toAbstract filepath concrete onFinish onError = do
case runExcept $ C.toAbstract concrete of
Left rangeToDigHole -> do
_ <- digHole rangeToDigHole do
maybeSource <- getSource filepath
case maybeSource of
Nothing -> onError (CannotReadFile filepath)
Just source' -> case parse filepath source' of
Left err -> onError err
Right concrete' -> toAbstract filepath concrete' onFinish onError
return ()
Right abstract -> onFinish abstract
digHole :: Range -> ServerM () -> ServerM ()
digHole range _onFinish = do
logText $ " < DigHole " <> toText range
let indent = Text.replicate (posCol (rangeStart range) - 1) " "
let holeText = "[!\n" <> indent <> "\n" <> indent <> "!]"
editText range holeText _onFinish

typeCheck :: A.Program -> Either Error (ScopeTreeZipper A.Type)
typeCheck abstract = do
case TypeChecking.runTypeCheck abstract of
Left e -> Left (TypeError e)
Right (_, scopeTree) -> return scopeTree

loadedProgramToReponse :: LoadedProgram -> Int -> Maybe Range -> [ResKind]
loadedProgramToReponse loadedProgram@(LoadedProgram _ abstract@(A.Abstract _ globalProperties _) _ _ proofObligations specs warnings _ _)
version rangeToInspect
= _

hintsToResponseBody :: Int -> Maybe Range -> ([Expr], [PO], [Spec], [StructWarning], IntMap (Int, A.Expr), Int) -> [ResKind]
hintsToResponseBody version rangeToInspect _hints@(globalProperties, proofObligations, specs, warnings, redexes, counter) =
[ ResMarkPOs rangesOfPOs
, ResUpdateSpecs (map encodeSpec specs)
, ResDisplay version sections
rangesOfPOs :: [Range]
rangesOfPOs = mapMaybe (fromLoc . locOf) proofObligations
encodeSpec :: Spec -> (Int, Text, Text, Range)
encodeSpec spec =
( specID spec
, toText $ render (specPreCond spec)
, toText $ render (specPostCond spec)
, specRange spec
sections :: [Section]
sections = mconcat
[ warningsSections
, specsSections
, poSections
, globalPropertiesSections
warningsSections :: [Section]
warningsSections = map renderSection warnings
specsSections :: [Section]
specsSections = map renderSection specsWithinCurrentSelection
specsWithinCurrentSelection :: [Spec]
specsWithinCurrentSelection = case rangeToInspect of
Nothing -> specs
Just selectedRange -> filter (withinRange selectedRange) specs
poSections :: [Section]
poSections = map renderSection posWithCurrentSelection
posWithCurrentSelection :: [PO]
posWithCurrentSelection = case rangeToInspect of
Nothing -> proofObligations
Just selectedRange -> filter (selectedRange `covers`) proofObligations
covers :: Range -> PO -> Bool
covers range po = case poAnchorLoc po of
Nothing -> withinRange range po
Just anchor -> withinRange range po || withinRange range anchor
globalPropertiesSections :: [Section]
globalPropertiesSections = map
(\expr -> Section
[Header "Property" (fromLoc (locOf expr)), Code (render expr)]

-- Refine --

handleRefine :: Range -> Text -> ServerM ()
handleRefine specRange filledText = do
-- TODO: refine
return ()
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions src/Server/Handler2/CustomMethod/HelloWorld.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Server.Handler2.CustomMethod.HelloWorld (handler) where

import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Loc.Range (Range (..), rangeFile, rangeStart, rangeEnd)

import Render (Section (..), Deco (..), Block (..))
import Error (Error(..))

import Server.Monad (ServerM)
import Server.Handler2.Utils

handler :: Range -> ([ResKind] -> ServerM ()) -> (Error -> ServerM ()) -> ServerM ()
handler range onFinish onError = do
let filepath :: FilePath = rangeFile range
replaceWithHelloworld filepath range (do
let helloWorldRange = rangeAfterReplacedWithHelloWorld range
let diagnosticOnHelloWorld = makeDiagnostic Nothing helloWorldRange "Hello, World?" "This is a warning"
_ <- sendDiagnostics filepath [diagnosticOnHelloWorld]
version <- bumpVersion
onFinish [
ResDisplay version [
Section Blue [
Header "Hello, world" Nothing
, Paragraph $ fromString "LSP server successfully responded."
) onError

replaceWithHelloworld :: FilePath -> Range -> ServerM () -> (Error -> ServerM ()) -> ServerM ()
replaceWithHelloworld filepath range onFinish onError = do
maybeSource <- getSource filepath
case maybeSource of
Nothing -> onError (CannotReadFile filepath)
Just source -> do
logText "before replacement"
logText source
logText "\n"
editText range "Hello, World!\n" $ do
maybeSource' <- getSource filepath
case maybeSource' of
Nothing -> onError (CannotReadFile filepath)
Just source' -> do
logText "after replacement"
logText source'
logText "\n"

rangeAfterReplacedWithHelloWorld :: Range -> Range
rangeAfterReplacedWithHelloWorld range =
Range (rangeStart range) (addToCoff 13 $ rangeEnd range)
addToCoff :: Int -> Pos -> Pos
addToCoff offset pos = Pos (posFile pos) (posLine pos) (posCol pos) (posCoff pos + offset)

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