This theme is a port of Lanyon theme originated by Mark Otto (mdo) for Haskell-based static site generator Hakyll originally written by Jasper Van der Jeugt.
The pagination code is a modified version of the code by Mike Limansky.
The dynamic sidebar activation is explained in my blog post.
The current version does not support tags, related posts, and syntax highlight but it will be updated soon.
You can find an example website: my blog.
The original website in Jekyll: Lanyon.
Assuming that you have stack
installed (install instruction),
$ git clone
$ cd lanyon-hakyll
$ stack build
$ stack exec site clean
$ stack exec site build
$ stack exec site watch
Then you can access the site at http://localhost:8000
using your browser.
You can change the following website information in the file site.hs
For the RSS feed:
feedConfig = FeedConfiguration
{ feedTitle = "lanyon-hakyll: Lanyon Theme on Hakyll"
, feedDescription = "A Fork of Lanyon based on Poole"
, feedAuthorName = "Heuna Kim"
, feedAuthorEmail = "[email protected]"
, feedRoot = ""
For other informations:
siteCtx :: Context String
siteCtx =
baseCtx `mappend`
constField "site_description" "Lanyon Theme on Hakyll" `mappend`
constField "site-url" "" `mappend`
constField "tagline" "A Fork of Lanyon based on Poole" `mappend`
constField "site-title" "lanyon-hakyll" `mappend`
constField "copy-year" "2020" `mappend`
constField "github-repo" "" `mappend`
baseCtx =
constField "baseurl" "http://localhost:8000"
You can keep the baseurl
field for debugging purposes or viewing the site on your local computer but when you publish it, you will need to change it to the domain address of your website.
All your files in the pages
folder will be compiled, listed in the sidebar in an alphabetical order and displayed upon clicking them.
All your markdown files in the posts
folder will be compiled, displayed in the home/index page with the pagination and also listed in the archive page.
As in the original theme, add your favorite color theme to the <body>
element in the templates/default.html
file, for example:
<body class="theme-base-0d">
For the available color theme classes, please look at the repository of Lanyon.