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Bayesian mixture model for estimating copy number polymorphisms

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CNPBayes: Copy number estimation and association in large-scale studies

Stephen Cristiano, Jacob Carey, David McKean, Gary L. Rosner, Ingo Ruczinski, Alison Klein, and Robert B. Scharpf 18 June, 2020


Germline copy number variants (CNVs) increase risk for many diseases, yet detection of CNVs and quantifying their contribution to disease risk in large-scale studies is challenging due to biological and technical sources of heterogeneity. We developed an approach called CNPBayes to identify latent batch effects in genome-wide association studies involving copy number, to provide probabilistic estimates of integer copy number across the estimated batches, and to fully integrate the copy number uncertainty in the association model for disease.


## install.packages("devtools")
## Requires a working installation of JAGS
## Working with MCMC output

Usage and workflow

Example data

The simplest way to illustrate how to fit finite normal mixture models in CNPBayes is to start with a SummarizedExperiment object provided in CNPBayes that contains a small slice of data from the Pancreatic Cancer Case Control Consortium (PanC4) (Childs et al. (2015)). Here, we will focus on a CNV region on chromosome 8:

extdir <- system.file("extdata", package="CNPBayes")
cnp_se <- readRDS(file.path(extdir, "cnp_se.rds"))
snp_se <- readRDS(file.path(extdir, "snp_se.rds"))
## GRanges object with 1 range and 0 metadata columns:
##           seqnames            ranges strand
##              <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle>
##   CNP_121     chr8 15401664-15414791      *
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 86 sequences from hg19 genome
se <- cnp_se[5, ]

Identifying possible sources of batch effects

Technical sources of variation between groups of samples can potentially confound statistical inference (Leek et al. (2010)). CNPBayes allows the analyst to indicate and subsequently evaluate potential sources of batch effect. Below, we use the chemistry plate on which the samples were processed as a provisional batch variable, but other sources of variation such as DNA source, date of library preparation, and laboratory could be evaluated in a similar fashion. We begin by calculating the median log2 R ratio in the CNV region for each individual in the SummarizedExperiment object and indicate that chemistry plate (se$Sample.Plate) is a potential source of batch effects.

set.seed(1234) <- median_summary(se,

We use kolmogorov_batches to evaluate whether the empirical cumulative distribution function (eCDF) of the median log2 R ratios differs between chemistry plates, and to group chemistry plates with similar eCDFs (see vignette). <- kolmogorov_batches(, 1e-6)

From the 94 chemistry plates in this experiment, we have identified 6 batches. Each batch is comprised of a collection of chemistry plates that we tabulate below. %>%
    group_by(batch) %>%
    summarize(number_plates = length(unique(provisional_batch)),
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   batch number_plates
##   <int>         <int>
## 1     1            32
## 2     2            18
## 3     3            15
## 4     4             7
## 5     5            12
## 6     6            10

Finally, we use down_sample2 to down-sample the observed data since all 6000+ observations are not needed to approximate the multi-modal distribution of median log2 R ratios. Since the down-sampling is random, we set a seed for reproducibility.

set.seed(1234) <- down_sample2(, min_size=250)
## # A tibble: 1,506 x 6
##    id      oned provisional_batch batch_labels likely_deletion batch
##    <chr>  <dbl> <chr>             <chr>        <lgl>           <int>
##  1 3999  -0.062 WG0040402-MSA1    1            FALSE               1
##  2 5760   0.062 WG0048476-MSA1    1            FALSE               1
##  3 3060  -0.524 WG0052036-MSA1    1            FALSE               1
##  4 5968   0.009 WG0046854-MSA1    1            FALSE               1
##  5 3424   0.019 WG0039764-MSA1    1            FALSE               1
##  6 3028   0.048 WG0046854-MSA1    1            FALSE               1
##  7 1886  -0.058 WG0061186-MSA1    1            FALSE               1
##  8 2735   0.044 WG0052033-MSA1    1            FALSE               1
##  9 1942   0     WG0046853-MSA1    1            FALSE               1
## 10 2808   0.052 WG0040404-MSA1    1            FALSE               1
## # … with 1,496 more rows %>%
    ggplot(aes(oned)) +
    geom_histogram(aes(oned, ..density..), bins=100,
                   fill="gray") +
    geom_density(fill="transparent") +
    theme_bw() +
    xlab("Median log2 R ratio")
Down-sampled data

Down-sampled data

Fitting finite mixture models

The bulk of the data corresponds at this CNV region corresponds to diploid individuals with median log(_2 R) ratios near zero (Figure “Down-sampled data”). The small cluster immediately adjacent to the central mode contains subjects with a likely hemizygous deletion, and the 6 participants scattered at the far left of the graph likely have a homozygous deletion. Below, we create an object of class MultiBatch that re-organizes the data in a container for fitting mixture models in CNPBayes. While model selection can be challenging and requires evaluating many models, here we sidestep these issues and tell CNPBayes to simply fit models consistent with a deletion polymorphism (i.e, 3 - 4 component models) using the homdel_model function.

## Assume batch effects effects are neglible and that there is a single batch
mb <- MultiBatch("SBP3",
mp <- McmcParams(burnin=100, iter=1000, thin=1)
mcmcParams(mb) <- mp
model <- homdel_model(mb, mp)
## ....................
## Model name: SB3 
##    n. obs              : 1506 
##    n. batches          : 1 
##    k                   : 3 
##    nobs/batch          : 1506 
##    saved mcmc          : 1000 
##    log lik (s)         : 1740.5

The resulting model object contains information about the type of model that was fit and the number of mixture components. Here SB3 means that the selected model has a single batch (SB) with 3 mixture components. To assess goodness of fit, we overlay the density of the posterior predictive distribution on the empirical data using the ggMixture function.

ggMixture(model) + xlab("median log R ratio") +
    coord_cartesian(xlim=c(-5.1, 1))
Posterior predictive distribution from CNPBayes overlaying the median log2 R ratios.

Posterior predictive distribution from CNPBayes overlaying the median log2 R ratios.

Genotyping the mixture components

While we have assigned each sample to a mixture component, the mixture components do not necessarily correspond to distinct copy number states. Using the available SNPs in the CNV region, we identify the set of integer copy numbers that would most likely give rise to the observed B allele frequencies (BAFs). After limiting the SNP SummarizedExperiment object to the CNV region of interest, we call the genotype_model function to map mixture components to integer copy numbers. The mapping accessor returns a character vector of the copy numbers for each mixture component. Here, we see that the three mixture components do in fact map to copy numbers 0, 1, and 2.

snp.chr8 <- subsetByOverlaps(snp_se, se)
gmodel <- genotype_model(model, snp.chr8)
## [1] "0" "1" "2"

As we fit the mixture model using a subset of the available data, we extrapolate the probabilistic estimates of copy number to the entire population using the upsample2 function. While we did not make use of the provisional batch labels in this simple example, the up-sampling does require that we provide these labels from the full data.

full <- upsample2(gmodel,
## Joining, by = c("batch", "component")
## # A tibble: 6,038 x 8
## # Groups:   id [6,038]
##    id    batch copynumber      cn_0     cn_1  cn_2  cn_3  cn_4
##    <chr> <dbl>      <int>     <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 1         1          2 0.0000768 7.99e-12  1.00     0     0
##  2 10        1          2 0.0000685 1.28e-13  1.00     0     0
##  3 100       1          2 0.0000851 2.25e-11  1.00     0     0
##  4 1000      1          2 0.000251  5.01e-17  1.00     0     0
##  5 1001      1          2 0.0000769 2.00e-14  1.00     0     0
##  6 1002      1          2 0.0000678 8.52e-13  1.00     0     0
##  7 1003      1          2 0.0000717 3.18e-12  1.00     0     0
##  8 1004      1          2 0.0000673 3.13e-13  1.00     0     0
##  9 1005      1          2 0.0000722 3.52e-12  1.00     0     0
## 10 1006      1          2 0.0000959 5.74e-11  1.00     0     0
## # … with 6,028 more rows

For germline copy number polymorphisms, the deletion allele often segregates at Hardy Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). As CNPBayes does not make any assumptions about HWE, evaluation of HWE post-hoc can be useful for qualithy control.

freq <- as.integer(table(full$copynumber))
pval <- gap::hwe(freq, data.type="count")$p.x2 
## Pearson x2=  0.954   , df=   1   , p=    0.3287148

For this region on chr8, we find that the frequencies of copy number states 0, 1, and 2 (n = 7, 330, 5701) are consistent with HWE. The copy number posterior probabilities can be incorporated directly in risk models for disease (see the vignette.

Related software

cnvCall fits Bayesian hierarchical models of t-distributions assuming the principal sources of batch effects are known (Cardin et al. (2011)), building on and extending many of the ideas for modeling copy number variation in the R package CnvTools (Barnes et al. (2008)). Expection-Maximization implementations of mixture models are available in the canary package of the Birdsuite software (Korn et al. (2008)). Mixture model based approaches for modeling copy number at specific regions of the genome have also been useful in whole exome sequencing applications (e.g., Fromer et al. (2012) and others).


Barnes, Chris, Vincent Plagnol, Tomas Fitzgerald, Richard Redon, Jonathan Marchini, David Clayton, and Matthew E Hurles. 2008. “A Robust Statistical Method for Case-Control Association Testing with Copy Number Variation.” Nat Genet 40 (10): 1245–52.

Cardin, Niall, Chris Holmes, Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, Peter Donnelly, and Jonathan Marchini. 2011. “Bayesian Hierarchical Mixture Modeling to Assign Copy Number from a Targeted Cnv Array.” Genet Epidemiol 35 (6): 536–48.

Childs, Erica J, Evelina Mocci, Daniele Campa, Paige M Bracci, Steven Gallinger, Michael Goggins, Donghui Li, et al. 2015. “Common Variation at 2p13.3, 3q29, 7p13 and 17q25.1 Associated with Susceptibility to Pancreatic Cancer.” Nature Genetics 47 (8): 911–16.

Fromer, Menachem, Jennifer L. Moran, Kimberly Chambert, Eric Banks, Sarah E. Bergen, Douglas M. Ruderfer, Robert E. Handsaker, et al. 2012. “Discovery and Statistical Genotyping of Copy-Number Variation from Whole-Exome Sequencing Depth.” Am J Hum Genet 91 (4): 597–607.

Korn, Joshua M, Finny G Kuruvilla, Steven A McCarroll, Alec Wysoker, James Nemesh, Simon Cawley, Earl Hubbell, et al. 2008. “Integrated Genotype Calling and Association Analysis of SNPs, Common Copy Number Polymorphisms and Rare CNVs.” Nat Genet 40 (10): 1253–60.

Leek, Jeffrey T, Robert B Scharpf, Héctor Corrada Bravo, David Simcha, Benjamin Langmead, W. Evan Johnson, Donald Geman, Keith Baggerly, and Rafael A Irizarry. 2010. “Tackling the Widespread and Critical Impact of Batch Effects in High-Throughput Data.” Nat Rev Genet 11 (10): 733–39.


Bayesian mixture model for estimating copy number polymorphisms






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