This is my Docker PHP development environment. I use it mostly for developing Symfony 4+ apps but sometimes also for vanilla and Laravel 5 projects. Updated for php 7.3.
- Features
- Setup
- Run
- Example setup & running for Symfony 4 project
- How connect to database via PHP Storm?
- Issues
- Status
- Contact
- PHP 7.3
- Mysql 5.7
- Composer
- php.ini file under your control
- environment variables in config file (database access data)
- Local storage for database (data does not disappear after shutdown containers)
The most used PHP extensions come from official php docker image but it has some extra extensions like:
- pdo
- zip
- apcu
- Configure database connection of your application
File: ./docker/env/docker.env
// default service name in docker setup - 'mysql'
// default service name in docker setup - 'mysql'
// port, default is 3306
// database name
// database username
// database password
- Configure database data for mysql service
File: docker-compose.yml
MYSQL_DATABASE: database_name
MYSQL_USER: someuser
- Define volume (local path to storage data)
File: docker-compose.yml
- mysql:/var/dockervolumes
- Setting your application
Docker creates couple of env's with database acces data. You must enter those envs in your config apps.
Example (Symfony 4): .env file will look like this:
Hostname ($DB_CONNECTION) = docker service name (mysql)
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
Or build & run
docker-compose up --build
Go to http://localhost:8000/ and have fun!
- Copy files to your root Symfony 4 application directory
- Configure docker files (see 'setup' section)
- In /.env file change default doctrine DATABASE_URL env to:
- Build & run docker
docker-compose up --build
- Go to http://localhost:8000/public/ (you also need apache bundle to run s4 app without build-in server feature).
- Click on tab 'database'
- Click on '+' button and select Data source -> Mysql
- Fill in the fields:
- Host: localhost
- Port: 13306 (if you have not changed the default one)
- Database: database name (from .docker/env/docker.env file)
- User: user name (from .docker/env/docker.env file)
- Password: password (from .docker/env/docker.env file)
- URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:13306/your_database_name
- (ONLY ON LINUX HOST) When you using maker bundle in symfony project in the container, it creates at first time new catalogs (like Entity, Repositories etc.) with root owner permissions in your local app volume. So if you are not root user on your local machine - you can't edit files in catalogs. It can be easy fixed. Just change permissions:
sudo chown -R $USER Entity Repositories etc...
Project is: in progress
Created by @sebastianSkurnog - feel free to contact me!