Welcome to the FullStack ShopApp project! This application is designed to provide a seamless shopping experience across web and mobile platforms. It is built using Next.js for the web application, Expo React Native for the mobile application, and Supabase as the backend service.
- Next.js: v15.0.0 - A React framework for server-side rendering and building static web applications.
- React Native (Expo): v52.0.0 - A framework for building native apps using React.
- Supabase - An open-source Firebase alternative providing real-time databases and authentication.
- Node.js
- Expo CLI
- Supabase account
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/serkanaplan/FullStack-ShopApp-ReactNative-and-Nextjs.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd FullStack-ShopApp-ReactNative-and-Nextjs
Install dependencies for both web and mobile:
cd shop-app-admin-nextjs && npm install cd ../shop-app-expo-react-native && npm install
cd shop-app-admin-nextjs
npm run dev
cd shop-app-expo-react-native
expo start