RUDY started out as a test and play-around device for USB development using the Objective Development V-USB library, but also serves as standard ATmega328 development board.
- breadboard-friendly prototyping board, taking up only one additional row on each side compared to a standalone ATmega328 microcontroller
- Arduino compatible ..ish
- USB port wired to the ATmega328 for out-of-the-box USB functionality via the V-USB library
- own, dedicated USB VID/PID pair thanks to
- USB-powered with additional 3.3V voltage regulator on board to select either 5.0 or 3.3V supply voltage
- clocked by 12.0 MHz crystal to comply with V-USB and also 3.3V supply voltage
- 6-pin ISP header for programming, with additional option to power the board directly from the programmer
- power-indicating LEDs mounted under the IC, shining in a mysterious glow (oh yeah)
- DIP28 ATmega328, allowing easy replacement if it ever gets fried (no no)
- fully open source and certified as such by the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA)
RUDY is primarily a hardware project, so all the design file for KiCad along with the schematic as PDF and Gerber files are found in the hardware/
directory. And if you want to go straight ahead and build your own board, the PCB is available from OSH Park.
As RUDY can theoretically function as an USBasp programmer, there's also an adapter board available - and is also available from OSH Park
Again, RUDY is primarily a development board, and as such is there for your firmware. But well, everything and everyone has to start somewhere, so the firmware/
directory has a (still-to-grow) collection of example projects, both using the V-USB library and using RUDY as regular, ATmega328 microcontroller board.
RUDY is fully open source. All hardware files are released under the CERN Open Hardware License v1.2, all example source code is released under the MIT License, and all documentation within this git repository is provided under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.