Fast and cheap Benchmark for HPO and Optimizer.
Master Project at Machine Learning Lab Freiburg, Simon Blauth, Tobias Bürger, Zacharias Häringer
This benchmark aims to be fast while maintaining a wide selection of different tasks. It also tries to be independent of the hardware used, however it requires a minimum of 4 gpus ideally capable of bfloat16 mixed precision.
One run of all tasks in this suite on a single optimizer configuration should not take more than a day.
A benchmark should state the following for each task: time taken per optimization step compared to baseline, best model performance, final model performance.
We try to cover a large range of deep learning tasks in this benchmark.
Instructions on how to write your own task can be found here
Name | Dataset | Model | Task | Target Metric | Baseline Score | Baseline Runtime | Hardware |
mnist | MNIST | MLP | Image Classification | Top-1 Accuracy | 0.97 | 1 min | 1 gpu |
classification | Imagenet-64x64 | Wide ResNet | Image Classification | Top-1 Accuracy | 0.69 | 4h | 4 gpu |
classification_small | CIFAR100 | Resnet18 | Image Classification | Top-1 Accuracy | 0.77 | 10 min | 1 gpu |
segmentation | MIT Scene Parse | SegFormer | Semantic Segmentation | Intersection over Union (IoU) | 35.6 | 5h | 4 gpu |
graph | ogbg-molhiv | Graph Isomorphism Network (GIN) | Graph Property Prediction | ROC-AUC | 0.77 | 20min | 1 gpu |
graph_tiny | Cora | GCN | Node Classification | Accuracy | 0.82 | 1min | 1 gpu |
tabular | California Housing | FT Transformer | Tabular Regression | Test RMSE | 0.40 | 2 min | 1 gpu |
translation | WMT17(en-de) | T5 small | Machine Translation | BLEU (sacrebleu) | 26.3 | 6h | 4 gpus |
An optimizer (together with the learning rate scheduler) contains the deep learning training algorithm to benchmark. Each optimizer has its own subfolder in the optimizers
We currently have the following optimizers:
Name | Optimizer | LR Scheduler |
adamw_baseline | AdamW | Cosine Annealing with linear warmup |
adamcpr | AdamCPR | Cosine Annealing with linear warmup |
sgd_baseline | Stochastic Gradient Descent | Cosine Annealing |
How to write your own can be found here
This repo was tested with Python 3.10, Python 3.11 works as well.
Some libraries are not updates so currently Python 3.12 breaks.
Create conda environment:
conda env create --file environment.yml
or alternatively:
conda create -n fob python=3.10 -y
Activate and install requirements
conda activate fob
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
Sometimes pip fails to install the correct version of mmcv
. If you encounter errors, try to install the correct version of mmcv
as instructed on their website.
Make sure you have the conda environment set up and activated.
Then you write an experiment.yaml
(can be named differently) where you specify which optimizer and task you want to use. Every value can also be a list of values if you want to perform a gridsearch over them (more details below).
As an example we use this experiment.yaml
- mnist
- classification_small
- name: adamw_baseline
beta2: 0.98
- name: sgd_baseline
momentum: 0.5
seed: [42, 47]
This will produce 2x2x2=8 runs in total.
Each undefined parameter will be set using either engine/default.yaml
, optimizers/<optimizer>/default.yaml
or tasks/<task>/default.yaml
Before you run the experiment make sure the datasets are prepared:
python -m pytorch_fob.dataset_setup experiment.yaml
Then you run the experiment:
python -m pytorch_fob.run_experiment experiment.yaml
This runs all tasks with all optimizers and hyperparameter specified inside experiment.yaml
using grid-search.
You can either supply one value or a list of values for each entry. Grid-search combines each possible combination.
For example: you specified 3 task, 2 optimizer, 2 different learning rates and 4 seeds then you need a total 3 x 2 x 2 x 4 = 48 runs
You can additionally set values trough the command line (this overrides existing values). For example you can set the data_dir
where datasets are stored using either:
python -m script experiment.yaml "engine.data_dir=<path>"
or you can specify it inside the experiment.yaml
data_dir: <path>
In the following you can find example use cases for experiments. Here we will focus on running the training and testing pipeline. For instructions on how to plot the results, refer to the evaluation/
In these examples we will perform 'dry-runs' by setting the following parameters in the experiment.yaml
train: false
test: false
plot: false
(Note: it might be a good idea to perform a dry run locally before wasting compute ressources)
This is an (quite) minimal example of how to run a single task. The model and training are customized. All other values will be taken from their respective default.yaml
name: mnist
max_epochs: 1
num_hidden: 42
Full experiment file: examples/usage/1_single_task.yaml
python -m pytorch_fob.run_experiment examples/usage/1_single_task.yaml
Take a look at the output directory to see the results.
Note on the folder name of the runs:
Any hyperparameter that differs from the default will be included in the directory name. This is helpful for example when observing runs with Tensorboard.
Note on the directory structure of the outputs:
The individual runs will be placed
examples/usage/outputs/experiment-1 # (customize via: engine.output_dir)
└── taskname # (customize via: task.output_dir_name)
└── optimizer name # (customize via: optimizer.output_dir_name)
├── run_1 # (name includes non-default parameters)
├── ...
└── run_n
To quickly run multiple optimizers on multiple hyperparameters, you can declare a list of values. This will perform a grid search over the values.
- name: adamw_baseline
learning_rate: [1.0e-2, 1.0e-3]
weight_decay: [0.1, 0.01]
- name: adamcpr
learning_rate: [1.0e-2, 1.0e-3]
kappa_init_param: [0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
AdamW is used 4 (= 2 x 2) times, AdamCPR is used 14 (= 2 x 7) times, for a total of 18 runs.
Full experiment file: examples/usage/2_comparing_optimizers.yaml
python -m pytorch_fob.run_experiment examples/usage/2_comparing_optimizers.yaml
Take a look at the output directory to see the 18 run folders.
If you want to use this repository for benchmarking an optimizer you most likely want to run multiple tasks, on multiple seeds.
- classification
- classification_small
- graph
- graph_tiny
- mnist
- segmentation
- tabular
- translation
seed: [1, 2, 3]
You can use any subset of the full task list, if some tasks are not relevant for you.
Every task will be run on every seed. By default, the benchmark uses deterministic algorithms wherever possible and logs a warning otherwise.
Full experiment file: examples/usage/3_benchmark_optimizers.yaml
python -m pytorch_fob.run_experiment examples/usage/3_benchmark_optimizers.yaml
Take a look at the output directory to see the results.
You can also run different versions of the same task (or optimizer).
This might be useful when you do not want a full grid search, but only want to combine certain groups.
The full grid search would be 2x2x2x2, we only want 8
🟦: group1 normalizer=quantile and noise=1.e-3 (+optimizer)
🟧: group2 normalizer=standard and noise=0
⬜: unwanted parameter combinations
- name: tabular
output_dir_name: tabular_quantile
normalizer: quantile
noise: 1.e-3
- name: tabular
output_dir_name: tabular_standard
normalizer: standard
noise: 0
name: adamw_baseline
learning_rate: [1.e-2, 1.e-3]
weight_decay: [1.e-2, 1.e-3]
Full experiment file: examples/usage/4_multiple_task_versions.yaml
python -m pytorch_fob.run_experiment examples/usage/4_multiple_task_versions.yaml
Take a look at the output directory to see the results.
You can run experiments with SLURM. This is a convenience feature that allows you to run experiments on remote clusters. It splits each run of the experiment into a seperate job.
run_scheduler: slurm_array
partition: my_gpu_partition # adapt to your cluster
sbatch_script_template: path/to/
scheduler will put the runs into an array job. Therefore all slurm relevant parameters (e.g. devices, time, workers, ...) need to be equal across all runs. Using this scheduler is only recommended when running a single task.
scheduler on the other hand will put each run into a seperate job. -
arguments put in
will be passed to sbatch.
e.g.partition: my_gpu_partition
is parsed to--partition=my_gpu_partition
- per default gpus equal to
and a number of cpus according toengine.workers
are requested. - The requested time is set according to the defaults per task. It is recommended to use the
to scale the default time per task for slower / faster machines.
- per default gpus equal to
Wrap the FOB execution in your pre- and post commands (e.g. conda activation) with an
the placeholder__FOB_COMMAND__
in examples/usage/ will be replaced.
Full experiment file: examples/usage/5_slurm.yaml
Running this command without slurm will crash, but save the individual slurm scripts into path/to/sbatch_scripts
for us to look at.
python -m pytorch_fob.run_experiment examples/usage/5_slurm.yaml
Take a look at the output directory to see the results.
This repository is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
However, please be aware that the repository includes various models and datasets, each of which may have its own licensing terms. It is the responsibility of the users to ensure that they comply with the specific licenses of these models and datasets.
By using this repository, you agree to respect and comply with all relevant licenses associated with the models and datasets. The Apache License 2.0 applies only to the original content and code provided in this repository.