Welcome to CodeifBlog - An E-Magazine and Blog crafted using Django.
The Features that are currently incorporated or in the works include :
- The basic Login and Sign up structure based on user category - Writer or Reader .
- The Writer Dashboard to facilitate author functionalities.
The writer has an ability to create, read, update or delete a post Have an overview of their previous post and view all post and their corresponding views ordered by time of publishing
- A followers model aimed to connect readers and writers is in the works.
- Reader's Dashboard - Currently being worked on.
Run the following commands at the terminal
- git clone this repository into the desired folder
- Navigate to the folder codeif-blog
- Activate the virtual environment in codeif-blog using the following command
python -m pipenv shell
- Download the required dependencies using the command below
python -m pipenv install -r requirements.txt
- Navigate into codeif which is the directory containing the manage.py file
- Run the following command
python manage.py runserver
Open a web browser and type http://127.0.1:8000/ or http://localhost:8000/