A minimal NBT and region reader using dynamic
Thanks to wiki.vg for their documentation and sample files.
Parse level.dat and display the player's inventory:
var nbt = NbtReader.Open(@"(path)/level.dat");
var player = nbt["Data"]["Player"];
foreach (var entry in player["Inventory"])
Console.WriteLine(entry["Count"] + "\t" + entry["id"]);
Open a region file and display InhabitedTime of each chunk if greater than 0:
var region = RegionFile.Open(@"(path)/region/r.-1.0.mca");
foreach (var chunk in region.GetAllChunks())
var level = chunk["Level"];
if (level["InhabitedTime"] > 0)
Console.WriteLine(level["xPos"] + ";" + level["zPos"]
+ ":\t" + level["InhabitedTime"]);
Note that this library just gives you the raw NBT data and therefore has no block data parser. Implementing that is up to the user.