My second semester project for my object-oriented programming course. A simulation game for the lab work done in my second semester Digital Logic Design course.
I am a student in university studying software engineering, and this project was my end semester project for my Object Oriented Programming course. At this time while I am pleased with how my project turned out as my first project in java and my first time implementing OOP concepts, but at the same time I recognize how messy the organization of my code is, and how many aspects can be immensly improved upon. I hope you all will give me ideas and educated me in being better at Object Oriented Programming and how to improve upon my current project.
How to Run the Program
Currently you need to have Netbeans on your computer. And you also need a screen size of 1920, 1080, for it to run properly. Download the Project folder, and simply open said project from NetBeans with File --> Open Project --> Browse for where you downloaded the project file, and open it. Then press F6 to run.
How to Use the Program
To start a wire, move your cursor over a node or terminal until it is selected, then left click. Drag the mouse to extend the wire and to end wiring, right click on a node or terminal. Make sure it is selected first, else the wiring will cancel. To add components, go to the IC Menu on the top left, and choose a component from the drop down menu. Right click on the node that corresponds to the top right pin of the component you are trying to place, to attach the component to the bread board. Switches are activated by left clicking. The red and black terminals on the top left side and bottom right side are Vcc and Ground respectively. As in real life, the Integrated Circuit components need vcc and ground connected to them, and the pin configuration is the same as their respective ICs in real life.
Future Plans
At the moment I have uploaded the project folder as is from NetBeans, as I can't seem to figure out how to build the project properly. When I build it, it doesn't work properly. I would like to learn to make it into a jar file or exe file.
Another problem is my project is not flexible for different screen sizes. My screen while I was working on the project is 1920, 1080. It should run fine on those screen sizes. I need to make it so that it can work on different screen sizes.
Currently I am looking for a proper way to resize images in Java. The last time I tried a method I found online, it had a bug in it that the image corners would crop out when I would zoom in our out.
After I can zoom in and out as much as I like, I will work on making a proper BreadBoard class that can be added onto the existing breadboards as much as one would like, so as to be able to design larger circuits.
After I have accomplished both of these tasks I will add on more components and try out sequential circuits, but I believe with the way my underlying logic for electricity is, I might need to completely change the base logic at some point in time. I would love some ideas on that.