hello, and welcome to the repository containing my code for my SkyTD game, made in 48 hours for the Miz Jam 1 This game was made with the Godot Game Engine. The pixel art for this game is available at https://kenney.nl/assets/bit-pack
The actual game is available at https://skyloutyr.itch.io/skytd
Feel free to use any of the code present in the repository. Keep in mind that the spirit of the challenge was to make a game within 48 hours. In such a limited timespan there isn't enough time to do clean code and refactoring as code quality isn't being judged, and the codebase can't become large enough to destroy the project, as the project must be small. As such this code is a huge mess for now, and if anything it should be an example of how to NOT write code. So just keep that in mind. When the delay period for the jam finishes I will probably come back to this code, if only to clean it up.