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bengineerd committed Sep 6, 2023
2 parents a274e52 + ca45888 commit b4c249a
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Showing 5 changed files with 403 additions and 40 deletions.
360 changes: 360 additions & 0 deletions axi/axi-stream/rtl/AxiStreamConcat.vhd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
-- Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
-- Description: Firmware module that AxiStreamConcat multiple AXI stream frames
-- together. It will ignore TKEEP and the format of the frame.
-- Note: This module is similiar to "AxiStreamBatcher.vhd" but does NOT
-- have the following features
-- 1) No super header
-- 2) No tail footer
-- 3) Only supports TKEEP_FIXED_C
-- Because of these limitations, it is important to encode the user
-- metadata into payload. Use AxiStreamBatcher instead if you need
-- a generalized batcher
-- This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'.
-- It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the
-- top-level directory of this distribution and at:
-- No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file,
-- may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to
-- the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

library surf;
use surf.StdRtlPkg.all;
use surf.AxiStreamPkg.all;
use surf.SsiPkg.all;

entity AxiStreamConcat is
generic (
TPD_G : time := 1 ns;
MAX_NUMBER_SUB_FRAMES_G : positive := 32; -- Units of sub-frames
SUPER_FRAME_BYTE_THRESHOLD_G : natural := 8192; -- Units of bytes
MAX_CLK_GAP_G : natural := 256; -- Units of clock cycles
AXIS_CONFIG_G : AxiStreamConfigType;
INPUT_PIPE_STAGES_G : natural := 0;
OUTPUT_PIPE_STAGES_G : natural := 1);
port (
-- Clock and Reset
axisClk : in sl;
axisRst : in sl;
-- External Control Interface
forceTerm : in sl := '0';
superFrameByteThreshold : in slv(31 downto 0) := toSlv(SUPER_FRAME_BYTE_THRESHOLD_G, 32);
maxSubFrames : in slv(15 downto 0) := toSlv(MAX_NUMBER_SUB_FRAMES_G, 16);
maxClkGap : in slv(31 downto 0) := toSlv(MAX_CLK_GAP_G, 32);
idle : out sl;
-- AXIS Interfaces
sAxisMaster : in AxiStreamMasterType;
sAxisSlave : out AxiStreamSlaveType;
mAxisMaster : out AxiStreamMasterType;
mAxisSlave : in AxiStreamSlaveType);
end entity AxiStreamConcat;

architecture rtl of AxiStreamConcat is

constant AXIS_WORD_SIZE_C : positive := AXIS_CONFIG_G.TDATA_BYTES_C; -- Units of bytes

constant WIDTH_C : slv(3 downto 0) := toSlv(log2(AXIS_WORD_SIZE_C/2), 4);

type StateType is (

type RegType is record
superFrameByteThreshold : slv(31 downto 0);
superByteCnt : slv(31 downto 0);
subByteCnt : slv(31 downto 0);
maxSubFrames : slv(15 downto 0);
subFrameCnt : slv(15 downto 0);
maxClkGap : slv(31 downto 0);
clkGapCnt : slv(31 downto 0);
superFrameByteThresholdDet : sl;
maxSubFramesDet : sl;
forceTerm : sl;
sof : sl;
seqCnt : slv(7 downto 0);
tDest : slv(7 downto 0);
tUserFirst : slv(7 downto 0);
tUserLast : slv(7 downto 0);
chunkCnt : natural range 0 to 3;
rxSlave : AxiStreamSlaveType;
txMaster : AxiStreamMasterType;
state : StateType;
end record RegType;

constant REG_INIT_C : RegType := (
superFrameByteThreshold => toSlv(SUPER_FRAME_BYTE_THRESHOLD_G, 32),
superByteCnt => toSlv(AXIS_WORD_SIZE_C, 32),
subByteCnt => (others => '0'),
maxSubFrames => toSlv(MAX_NUMBER_SUB_FRAMES_G, 16),
subFrameCnt => (others => '0'),
maxClkGap => toSlv(MAX_CLK_GAP_G, 32),
clkGapCnt => (others => '0'),
superFrameByteThresholdDet => '0',
maxSubFramesDet => '0',
forceTerm => '0',
sof => '1',
seqCnt => (others => '0'),
tDest => (others => '0'),
tUserFirst => (others => '0'),
tUserLast => (others => '0'),
chunkCnt => 1,
state => IDLE_S);

signal r : RegType := REG_INIT_C;
signal rin : RegType;

signal rxMaster : AxiStreamMasterType;
signal rxSlave : AxiStreamSlaveType;
signal txMaster : AxiStreamMasterType;
signal txSlave : AxiStreamSlaveType;


-- Input pipeline
U_Input : entity surf.AxiStreamPipeline
generic map (
port map (
axisClk => axisClk,
axisRst => axisRst,
sAxisMaster => sAxisMaster,
sAxisSlave => sAxisSlave,
mAxisMaster => rxMaster,
mAxisSlave => rxSlave);

comb : process (axisRst, forceTerm, maxClkGap, maxSubFrames, r, rxMaster,
superFrameByteThreshold, txSlave) is
variable v : RegType;

procedure doEofCheck is
-- Check for end of super-frame condition
if (v.superFrameByteThresholdDet = '1') or (v.maxSubFramesDet = '1') or (v.forceTerm = '1') then
-- Move the outbound data
v.txMaster.tValid := '1';
-- Terminate the super-frame
v.txMaster.tLast := '1';
-- Set EOFE
ssiSetUserEofe(AXIS_CONFIG_G, v.txMaster, v.forceTerm);
-- Next state
v.state := IDLE_S;
-- Check if new data to move or bypassing clock gap
elsif (rxMaster.tValid = '1') or (r.maxClkGap = 0) then
-- Move the outbound data
v.txMaster.tValid := '1';
-- Next state
v.state := SUB_FRAME_S;
-- Next state
v.state := GAP_S;
end if;
end procedure doEofCheck;

-- Latch the current value
v := r;

-- Reset the strobes
v.rxSlave.tReady := r.forceTerm;
if (txSlave.tReady = '1') then
v.txMaster.tValid := '0';
v.txMaster.tLast := '0';
v.txMaster.tUser := (others => '0');
end if;

-- Check for max. super frame
if(r.superByteCnt = r.superFrameByteThreshold) and (r.superFrameByteThreshold /= 0) then
-- Set the flag
v.superFrameByteThresholdDet := '1';
end if;

-- Check for max. super frame
if(r.subFrameCnt = r.maxSubFrames) then
-- Set the flag
v.maxSubFramesDet := '1';
end if;

-- Register the value
v.forceTerm := forceTerm;

-- Main state machine
case r.state is
when IDLE_S =>
-- Reset the flag
v.superFrameByteThresholdDet := '0';
v.maxSubFramesDet := '0';
v.sof := '0';
-- Sample external signals
v.superFrameByteThreshold := superFrameByteThreshold;
v.maxSubFrames := maxSubFrames;
v.maxClkGap := maxClkGap;
-- Floor the superFrameByteThreshold to nearest word increment
-- This is done to remove the ">" operator
v.superFrameByteThreshold(bitSize(AXIS_WORD_SIZE_C)-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-- Check for zero byte superFrameByteThreshold case and not using a zero value external threshold
if (v.superFrameByteThreshold = 0) and (superFrameByteThreshold /= 0) then
-- Prevent zero case
v.superFrameByteThreshold := toSlv(AXIS_WORD_SIZE_C, 32);
end if;
-- Check for zero maxSubFrames case
if (v.maxSubFrames = 0) then
-- Prevent zero case
v.maxSubFrames := toSlv(1, 16);
end if;
-- Check if ready to move data
if (rxMaster.tValid = '1') and (r.forceTerm = '0') then
-- Next state
v.state := SUB_FRAME_S;
end if;
-- Reset the counters
v.subFrameCnt := (others => '0');
v.superByteCnt := (others => '0');
when SUB_FRAME_S =>
-- Check if ready to move data
if (rxMaster.tValid = '1') and (v.txMaster.tValid = '0') then
-- Accept the inbound data
v.rxSlave.tReady := '1';
-- Move the outbound data
v.txMaster.tValid := '1';
v.txMaster.tData := rxMaster.tData;
-- Check SOF
if (r.sof = '1') then
-- Set the SOF bit
ssiSetUserSof(AXIS_CONFIG_G, v.txMaster, '1');
-- Clear the flag
v.sof := '0';
end if;
-- Check if first transaction
if (r.subByteCnt = 0) then
-- Sample the first transaction
v.tUserFirst(AXIS_CONFIG_G.TUSER_BITS_C-1 downto 0) := axiStreamGetUserField(AXIS_CONFIG_G, rxMaster, 0);
-- Increment the sub-frame counter
v.subFrameCnt := r.subFrameCnt + 1;
end if;
-- Check for last transaction in sub-frame
if (rxMaster.tLast = '1') then
-- Hold off on the write
v.txMaster.tValid := '0';
-- Increment the sub-frame byte counter
v.subByteCnt := r.subByteCnt + getTKeep(rxMaster.tKeep, AXIS_CONFIG_G);
-- Sample the meta data
v.tUserLast(AXIS_CONFIG_G.TUSER_BITS_C-1 downto 0) := axiStreamGetUserField(AXIS_CONFIG_G, rxMaster);
v.tDest(AXIS_CONFIG_G.TDEST_BITS_C-1 downto 0) := rxMaster.tDest(AXIS_CONFIG_G.TDEST_BITS_C-1 downto 0);
-- Next state
v.state := EOF_CHECK_S;
-- Increment the sub-frame byte counter
v.subByteCnt := r.subByteCnt + AXIS_WORD_SIZE_C;
end if;
-- Increment the super-frame byte counter
v.superByteCnt := r.superByteCnt + AXIS_WORD_SIZE_C;
end if;
when EOF_CHECK_S =>
-- Reset the counter
v.subByteCnt := (others => '0');
-- Check for EOF (TLAST)
-- Preset chunk counter
v.chunkCnt := 1;
-- Increment the super-frame byte counter
v.superByteCnt := r.superByteCnt + AXIS_WORD_SIZE_C;
when GAP_S =>
-- Check for new sub-frame
if (rxMaster.tValid = '1') then
-- Reset the counter
v.clkGapCnt := (others => '0');
-- Move the data
v.txMaster.tValid := '1';
-- Next state
v.state := SUB_FRAME_S;
-- Check for the clock gap event
elsif (r.clkGapCnt = r.maxClkGap) then
-- Check if ready to move data
if (v.txMaster.tValid = '0') then
-- Reset the counter
v.clkGapCnt := (others => '0');
-- Move the outbound data
v.txMaster.tValid := '1';
-- Terminate the super-frame
v.txMaster.tLast := '1';
-- Next state
v.state := IDLE_S;
end if;
-- Increment the counter
v.clkGapCnt := r.clkGapCnt + 1;
end if;
end case;

-- Check for force termination
if (r.forceTerm = '1') and (r.state /= IDLE_S) then
end if;

-- Always the same outbound AXIS stream width
v.txMaster.tKeep := genTKeep(AXIS_WORD_SIZE_C);
v.txMaster.tStrb := genTKeep(AXIS_WORD_SIZE_C);

-- Outputs
rxSlave <= v.rxSlave;
txMaster <= r.txMaster;
if (r.state = IDLE_S) then
idle <= '1';
idle <= '0';
end if;

-- Reset
if (axisRst = '1') then
v := REG_INIT_C;
end if;

-- Register the variable for next clock cycle
rin <= v;

end process comb;

seq : process (axisClk) is
if (rising_edge(axisClk)) then
r <= rin after TPD_G;
end if;
end process seq;

-- Output pipeline
U_Output : entity surf.AxiStreamPipeline
generic map (
port map (
axisClk => axisClk,
axisRst => axisRst,
sAxisMaster => txMaster,
sAxisSlave => txSlave,
mAxisMaster => mAxisMaster,
mAxisSlave => mAxisSlave);

end rtl;
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions python/surf/devices/microchip/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ def __init__(self,
name = "Mem",
description = "Memory Array",
size = (4*nelms),
offset = 0x0000,
numValues = nelms,
valueBits = 32,
valueStride = 32,
bitSize = 32 * nelms,
# mode = "RO",
bulkOpEn = False, # FALSE for large variables,
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions python/surf/ethernet/udp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def getPortValue(var):

def setPortValue(var, value, write):
newValue = int.from_bytes(value.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little'), byteorder='big', signed=False)
var.dependencies[0].set(newValue, write=write)

def getIpValue(var):
x = var.dependencies[0].value()
Expand All @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def getIpValue(var):
def setIpValue(var, value, write):
x = int(ipaddress.IPv4Address(value))
newValue = int.from_bytes(x.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little'), byteorder='big', signed=False)
var.dependencies[0].set(newValue, write=write)

def getMacValue(var):
x = var.dependencies[0].value()
Expand All @@ -41,4 +41,4 @@ def setMacValue(var, value, write):
if( len(x) == 6):
x = [int(i,16) for i in x]
newValue = ( '0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x' % (x[5],x[4],x[3],x[2],x[1],x[0]) )
var.dependencies[0].set(int(newValue,16), write=write)

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