Raspberry Pi 5 based ROS 2 Robot "Wallfollower Looking for Intelligence" based on TurtleBot 4 Lite
- TB5-WaLI ROS 2 Jazzy Nodes
- wali_node
- Manage battery: Undock at 99% battery, rotate to face dock at 20%, Dock at 18%)
- odometer (Log all robot travel)
- say_node (espeak-ng TTS server)
- wali_node
- TurtleBot4 ROS 2 Jazzy Nodes
- create3 republisher
- turtlebot4_node
- rplidar
- oakd
- robot and joint state publishers
- teleop_twist_joy and joy_linux_node
- turtlebot4 diagnostics and diagnostics aggregator
- ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco
- Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (64-bit) Server
- Raspberry Pi 5 8GB
- Slamtec RPLidar C1: 360 deg 2D Scan - 12 meter range 15mm 0.72 deg resolution at 10 Hz
- Oak-D-Lite RGB plus Stereo Depth Camera with 4TOPS NN processor (e.g. Object/Pose Recognition)
- Create3 running "ROS 2 Iron Firmware"
- Iron Firmware is the last release before iRobot discontinued selling Create3
- Certified to work with ROS 2 Jazzy nodes
- Communicates with RPi5 using Ethernet-over-USB