A minimal typed ORM built on top of Surrealdb.js.
Note that there are still some features that have not been completed, such as migrations and schema generation
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/soya-miruku/typed-surql
ensure you have enabled the following in your tsconfig file:
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
# Or Using Deno
import {TypedSurQL} from 'https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts';
# Or npm/bun
import { TypedSurQL } from '@soyamiruku/typed-surl';
// initialise the connection
TypedSurQL.Init(env.DB_URL, {
websocket: false, auth: {
username: env.DB_USER,
password: env.DB_PASS
namespace: env.DB_NAMESPACE,
database: env.DB_NAME
// wait until the connection is made
await TypedSurQL.Wait(5);
import { TypedSurQL, Model, Q, RelationEdge } from 'https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts';
import { Lemons } from "./lemons";
@Q.Table({ name: "eats" })
export class Eats extends RelationEdge<User, Lemons> { }
@Q.Table({ name: "user" })
export class User extends Model {
@Q.Field({ index: { name: "username_idx", search: true } }) username!: string;
@Q.Field() something!: string;
@Q.Relation("->", Eats, "->", Lemons) readonly lemonsEaten!: Lemons[];
@Q.Table({ name: "session" })
export class Session extends Model {
@Q.Field() active_expires!: number;
@Q.Field() idle_expires!: number;
@Q.Field() user!: User;
@Q.Table({ name: "key" })
export class Account extends Model {
@Q.Field() hashed_password?: string | null;
@Q.Field() key_id!: string;
@Q.Field() user!: User;
// Defines the object types with only the properties
export type UserObject = Q.Static<User>;
export type SessionObject = Q.Static<Session>;
export type AccountObject = Q.Static<Account>;
// Perform queries
const result = await User.select("*", { fetch: ["lemonsEaten"]});
// query functions
import { query } from 'https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts';
// field param provides all surrealdb functions / operators and the table name as well allowing you to select the model properties:
query.queryModel(User, (q, field) => q`SELECT *, ${field.string.uppercase(field("username")).as("cap_username")} FROM ${field.TABLE} WHERE ${field("id")} = ....`)
// or you can do
User.query((q, { VALUE, TABLE, field }) => ....)....
There is also an example folder with you can check out
Note There may be bugs