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  • Listen for tweets from @officialmcafee
  • Check if tweet contains a symbol listed on Bittrex
  • Analyze sentiment
  • Suggest to user via Telegram bot if good
  • Allow user to make buy order and set selling target once buy order fills

APIs used:

  • Twitter (tweepy)
  • Telegram (telepot)
  • Bittrex (python-bittrex)

If you get stuck, don't hesitate to open an issue or message me on Twitter @stephancill

Disclaimer: I do not endorse the influence McAfee’s tweets have on the crypto market. I think it’s very dangerous for one person to have the power to manipulate markets the way he does.


  • OCR for tweets with pictures
  • Set default amount to buy in config
  • Timed orders (e.g. sell after 30 min)
  • General order management (/neworder)

How it works

A stream is configured to listen to new tweets by user IDs specified in config.json. When it receives a tweet, it checks if any coins that trade on Bittrex are mentioned, analyzes the overall sentiment and determines which coins you should buy. The Telegram bot then sends you a message with those buying options and allows you to inspect a market summary of all the buying options. Along with the market summary, it provides you with a button that you can press to buy the coin on Bittrex and asks you to specify how much (in BTC) you would like to spend and places a buy order at the asking price.

Why not just automatically buy?

McAfee doesn't only tweet the coin of the day. A Telegram bot is merely a conservative approach to prevent the bot from making stupid trades. E.g.

McAfee's hacked twitter account



  1. git clone
  2. cd mcafee2cash
  3. pipenv install (if this fails, delete Pipfile.lock and try again)
  4. pipenv run "python -m textblob.download_corpora" to download sentiment analysis dependencies
  5. Populate secrets.json
  6. Modify config.json (optional)

secrets.json info

Telegram bot commands

Command shortcuts to register with BotFather

orderstatus - Usage: /orderstatus ORDER_UUID (Get status of limit order)
cancelorder - Usage: /cancelorder ORDER_UUID (Cancel order)
getopenorders - Usage: /getopenorders (List open orders)
help - Get help with order management


  1. Start the service using pipenv run python
  2. Send your bot token to the bot to authenticate your chat
  3. Wait for McAfee to pump a coin


Contributions welcome. Open a pull request!


MIT License


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