Unity UI with UI Pointers.
Support for Unity UI. Both New and Old input systems
Requires Unity Editor 2017.4 +
This package only covers:
- use case with a UI layer for casting UI elements.
- 3d casting on world object to enable support for default Unity Event Triggers
Place VRTK4_UICanvas on each canvas
- ON ALL UI ELEMENTS - buttons, sliders, inputfields, toggles, dropdown -> YOU MUST REMOVE DEFAULT UNITY NAVIGATION (navigation = none)!
- You may leave Blocking mask as None (this way you will save on performance - no 3D raycasts will be performed)
If you need drag and drop functionality on the UI: enable supportDragAndDropUI on the VRTK4_UICanvas (use custom gameobject with name CANVAS_DRAGGABLE_PANEL, or default one will generated). Note : default CANVAS_DRAGGABLE_PANEL is placed first,it will block all previous canvases or canvases that are behind it.
To ignore player objects : use component VRTK4_PlayerObject
If you are using Pseudobody - add pointers to the IgnoredGameObjectList
Just as with standart unity 3D raycasting (enabling cast on world objects) : Add VRTK4_3DGraphicRaycaster and setup interactive layers. See here :
Other important notes:
When using animations on the UI canvas: add box collider on it in Editor mode, otherwise UI colliders are created at the Awake, with canvas delta size ( example animation from small to large size).
When using Unity Event Triggers: pointers will always perform their separate OnEnter/OnExit -> so please see TiliaUnityEventTriggerSubscriber correct usage script
All input fields must hide soft keyboard and hide mobile input. There is no default keyboard in this package. Please use custom one.
When using input fields: VR + Input field caret is not working properly. Make sure to use custom caret script. Example see here -> https://gist.github.com/studentutu/714d78ad6cebfe147bfa852fb7046a90
Please refer to the installation guide to install this package.
See full scene and a separate prefab here :
/Runtime/Example/TestScene -> here is a full scene with Custom Rig and UI Pointers attached. Note : on the Event system added VRTK4_EventSystem, VRTK4_VRInputModule, VRTK4_3DGraphicRaycaster
/Runtime/SharedResources/Prefabs/[L_R]_ UI Pointer on Interactor.prefab -> default UI Pointer, needs additional setup with Pointer, actions and PointerFacade
/Runtime/SharedResources/Prefabs/Full_L_Interactions.Interactor Variant.prefab -> FUll Tilia Pointer with attached UI Pointer
Please refer to the How To Guides for usage of this package.
Further documentation can be found within the Documentation directory and at https://academy.vrtk.io
Please refer to the Extend Reality Contributing guidelines and the project coding conventions.
Please refer to the Extend Reality Code of Conduct.
Code released under the MIT License.