This treebank contains data of Northern Hausa, for the Ader dialect of Niger Republic (Northern Hausa).
The Ader (Northern) Hausa, together with the Sokoto variety, is a more archaic version of Standard Hausa, where some phonological rules have not applied.
The treebank contains 400 sentences and 3,919 tokens.
It is maintained in the SUD framework: SUD_Hausa-NorthernAutogramm and converted automatically in UD.
- Caron, Bernard. 1991. Le haoussa de l’Ader (Sprache und Oralität in Afrika). Vol. 10. Berlin: D. Reimer.
- 2024-05-15 v2.14
- Initial release in Universal Dependencies.
=== Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================ Data available since: UD v2.14 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Includes text: yes Genre: spoken Lemmas: manual native UPOS: manual native XPOS: not available Features: manual native Relations: manual native Contributors: Caron, Bernard Contributing: elsewhere Contact: [email protected] ===============================================================================