This project aims to design in VHDL the "user" execution mode of a processor implementing the ARMv2a instruction set, to synthesize, and to generate its IC layout.
- Compiler : GHDL
- Wave viewer : gtkwave
- Logic synthetiser, automatic place and route : Suite Alliance/Coriolis
The processor core has a four-stage pipeline: fetch, decode, exec and mem:
We analyze and validate the processor core with an assembler (or C) program used by a testbench and an emulation of the instruction and data caches (written in C). Here is an example:
// test add //
.globl _start
/* 0x00 Reset Interrupt vector address */
b startup
/* 0x04 Undefined Instruction Interrupt vector address */
b _bad
mov r0, #0
adds r1, r0, r0
bne _bad
movs r0, #0x80000000
bpl _bad
subs r0, r0, #1
bmi _bad
b _good
_bad :
_good :
AdrStack: .word 0x80000000
We visualize the execution of the instructions with gtkwave:
The mask design of the chip below is not optimized (being pad limited), an optimization at the level of the pads is required.
The IC layout pad limited. In order to optimize the silicon area we can imagine adding other execution modes (FIR, IRQ, Supervisor...) as well as integrating the caches.