A framework for multi-wavelength analysis for astronomy/astrophysics. See the 3ML website
Clone the repository with:
> git clone https://github.com/giacomov/3ML.git
At the moment only the HAWC plugin needs the C/C++ wrapper interface. If you are not interested in using HAWC data, it is strongly adviced that you build 3ML without support for C/C++ plugins, by simply doing:
> python setup.py install
If you are interested in HAWC analysis, you need C/C++ support and of course you need the HAWC AERIE software installed and set up first. Then, in order to build 3ML with C/C++ support you need the Boost::python library, which comes with AERIE. Set the BOOSTROOT environment variables to the directory containing boost (it is under the Ape externals, and it contains a "lib" and an "include" directory):
> export BOOSTROOT=[path to the boost directory]
Then build 3ML with boost:
> python setup.py build --with-boost
At the end you should see a message like this:
Built the boost.python extension.
Used boost.python from the env. variable BOOSTROOT
Include dir: [...]
Library dir: [...]