Welcome to UncannyCam! This is a project for the seminar "Dark AI" in the winter semester 2021/22 at Hasso-Plattner-Institut. The program includes several video effects that change your face to make it look uncanny. You can either try out the effects in our GUI or use them with a virtual camera in Zoom or other video conference tools.
You need to install following python packages:
- OpenCV
pip install opencv-python
- some filters work better if your version of OpenCV is compiled with CUDA support
- pyvirtualcam
pip install pyvirtualcam
- PyQT5
pip install PyQt5
- or
conda install pyqt
- Mediapipe
pip install mediapipe
- keyboard
pip install keyboard
- or
conda install -c conda-forge keyboard
We tested this with Python 3.7 and 3.8.
To use the virtual camera you also need to install OBS. You can download it here for free.
Start the program with python src\main.py
. This will open the GUI with an integrated camera window. To use the virtual camera start the program with python main.py --virtual_cam