This repository contains starter code for A2: Object-ification, developed for CSC120: Object-Oriented Programming as taught by Prof. R. Jordan Crouser at Smith College in Fall 2022.
contains a procedural program to perform the basic functions of a computer resale store:
- buying a computer (add to inventory)
- selling a computer (remove from inventory)
- updating the price of an item in the inventory
- printing the inventory
- refurbishing a computer (update price based on age of machine, optionally update OS)
contains a simple demonstration of each of these functions, plus a helper function to create a "computer"
Step 1: Fork this repository so you (and your partners, if applicable) have your own copy of this code.
Step 2: Fill in the class definitions in
with the appropriate functionality from the provided procedural code, re-written using Object-Oriented Programming techniques. Consider carefully which classes should be responsible for which behaviors / information:
- storing information about a specific computer
- storing the inventory for the store
- updating a computer's price
- updating a computer's OS
- buying a computer (add to inventory)
- selling a computer (remove from inventory)
- refurbishing a computer
Step 3: Be sure to test your code! The items contained in
are a useful guide.
Step 4: Fill in
wth your self-assessment and include your reflection on the assignment in
, then submit your repo to Gradescope.