Online store for Gaming PCs, peripherals and esports community for players in Oman. This repository contains the backend code for the full-stack web application.
- This project provides the VIB Oman API for consumption.
- The API powers the VIB Oman web application, which is also an open source project.
- The backend API is built using NodeJS and Express.
- Database layer is using Postgresql with ObjectionJS for ORM
To run this project locally:
- Clone the repoistory on to your computer
- Copy the .env.example to create a new .env file as below
$ cp .env.example .env
In the same project directory, you can run:
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
Once packages are installed, start the server in watch mode:
# watch mode
$ npm run dev
Runs the app in the development mode.
The server runs on http://localhost:5000 by default. You will also see any errors in the console.