EVA Submission Command Line Interface for Validation
There are two ways of specifying the VCF files and associated assembly
This allows you to provide multiple VCF files to validate and a single associated genome file. The VCF files and the associated genome file must use the same chromosome naming convention
The path to the VCF files are provided via CSV file that links the VCF to their respective fasta sequence. This allows
us to support different assemblies for each VCF file
The CSV file vcf_mapping.csv
contains the following columns vcf, fasta, report providing respectively:
- The VCF to validate/upload
- The assembly in fasta format that was used to derive the VCF
- (Optional) The assembly report associated with the assembly (if available) as found in NCBI assemblies (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/doc/ftpfaq/#files)
The metadata template can be found within the etc folder at eva_sub_cli/etc/EVA_Submission_template.xlsx
It should be populated following the instruction provided within the template
The metadata can also be provided via a JSON file which should conform to the schema located at
More detail documentation to follow
To validate and submit run the following command
eva-sub-cli.py --metadata_xlsx metadata_spreadsheet.xlsx \
--vcf_files vcf_file1.vcf vcf_file2.vcf --assembly_fasta assembly.fa --submission_dir submission_dir
To validate and not submit run the following command
eva-sub-cli.py --metadata_xlsx metadata_spreadsheet.xlsx \
--vcf_files_mapping vcf_mapping.csv --submission_dir submission_dir
--tasks VALIDATE
All submission must have been validated. You cannot run the submission without validation. Once validated running
eva-sub-cli.py --metadata_xlsx metadata_spreadsheet.xlsx \
--vcf_files_mapping vcf_mapping.csv --submission_dir submission_dir
eva-sub-cli.py --metadata_xlsx metadata_spreadsheet.xlsx \
--vcf_files_mapping vcf_mapping.csv --submission_dir submission_dir --tasks SUBMIT
Will only submit the data and not validate.