Arduino library for efficiently managing physical IO, with debounce. Supposedly slightly faster than the standard Arduino digital IO functions (this hasn't been tested recently).
Simply clone or download and extract the zipped library into your Arduino/libraries folder.
DigitalPin(uint8_t arduino_pin, uint8_t pin_mode = INPUT) DigitalPin constructor.
DigitalPin input(2);
DigitalPin output(13);
void setup(uint8_t pin_mode) This should be called in your setup function. It initializes the input/output pin as input or output (default as input).
uint8_t pin() Returns the arduino pin the DigitalPin object is attached to. == 2 == 13
bool read() Returns the state of the physical input pin.
bool inputState =;
void write(bool value) Sets the physical output pin either high or low.
output.write(true); // high
output.write(false); // low
void lo() Sets the physical output pin low.
void hi() Sets the physical output pin high.
void update() This should be called in the loop function if physical pin is an input and the following functions are to be used.
bool state() Returns the state of the physical input pin at the moment when update() was last called.
bool inputState = input.state();
bool last_state() Returns the state of the physical input pin at the moment when update() was last called (2 update's ago).
bool lastInputState = input.last_state();
bool change_state() Returns true if the state of the physical input pin had changed when update() was last called.
bool inputChangeState = input.change_state();
Please refer to your microcontroller's pin diagram for hardware serial port pin information.