This is a repository for the resources open-sourced with "Skills to Career with Interests and Values Ontology(SCIVO)". We contribute the following publicly available artifacts: SCIVO with the skills + proficiency level required, interests + passion level required, values + questions related to them, and the various resources that could help one explore the twenty scientific career paths. Rules used to built the application knowledge graph through Protege plugin Cellfie and the SPARQL queries used to query and received the targeted responses through Blazegraph Workbench is also provided. The application documentation is available on our resource website for anyone interested in building scivo facilities into their systems.
Our resource website can be accessed from:
Links to files for the resources in the repository are:
Skills to Career with Interests and Values Ontology:
Skills to Career with Interests and Values Ontology Instances (Knowledge Graph):
The Cellfie rules used to create the knowledge graph can be accessed at:
SPARQL Queries can be accessed from our website and run against the InDO to reproduce results that we show at: