Make sure you have the Heroku CLI setup as well as the Heroku Connect plugin.
heroku plugins:install heroku-connect-plugin
You will also need a local copy of the repo on you development machine.
git clone
Last but not least you will obviously need a Salesforce sandbox.
First click the deploy button an create your own app.
Wait until the app is deployed, this should only take a couple seconds.
Set name of your newly created app to your environment to make things simpler:
export HEROKU_APP_NAME=app_name # please replace with your app name
You can configure a Salesforce connection using the UI:
heroku addons:open herokuconnect -a "$HEROKU_APP_NAME"
It will open the Heroku Connect page. Click on Setup and follow the process.
From the command line, run the following command and follow the instructions. You will be prompted to login to your Salesforce sandbox.
heroku connect:info -a "$HEROKU_APP_NAME"
heroku connect:db:set --schema salesforce --db DATABASE_URL -a "$HEROKU_APP_NAME"
heroku connect:sf:auth -a "$HEROKU_APP_NAME"
sleep 3 # give heroku connect a second to connect
In both cases, from UI or exclusive via terminal, you should import the schema:
heroku connect:import schema.json -a "$HEROKU_APP_NAME"
That's it, enjoy!