Write a python function that calculates the volume of a cone and rounds it to the 2nd digit.
- calculateConeVolume() receives two inputs (both floats):
- receives baseRadius as float
- receives height as float
- calculateConeVolume() returns 1 output (a float) rounded to the 2nd digit:
- you will need to use a the round() function
- This challenge does not deal with incorrect input (I'll save that for another challenge)
- 20.0 10.0 => 4188.79
- 100.0 10.0 => 104719.76
- 40.0 108.0 => 180955.74
- 65.5 80.5 => 361665.51
- 65 90 => 398196.87
- 60.0 100.0 => 376991.12
- 95 80 => 756076.63
- 100 90 => 942477.80