Explores some features of Next.JS such as server side rendering. Also explores some features of React Hook Form and React Query.
yarn --cwd client/
composer install -d server/
Customize all empty variables.
Customize all empty variables.
If you use MariaDB, DB_VERSION
should start with mariadb-
then the version number, else only specifying the version
number should suffice.
php server/bin/console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair
php server/bin/console doctrine:database:create
php server/bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
Run in dedicated terminals:
php -t server/public -S localhost:8000
, the port must be the same as the one specified inNEXT_PUBLIC_API_BASE_URL
)yarn --cwd client/ dev
You can now access the application at http://localhost:3000/login.
Once you are logged-in, navigate to http://localhost:3000/users/list.
The Next.JS server will act as a proxy for API requests to http://localhost:8000 to allow the auth cookie to be 'shared'
between the two origins even though they don't share a domain. It should not be an issue in production as both servers
should share a domain (e.g. the Next.JS app could be on https://example.com and the API on https://api.example.com and
value could be example.com