TBMQ 1.2.0 Release
Minor release with the following features, improvements, and bug fixes.
Main features:
- #73 Redis cache support;
- #76 Client sessions advanced filtering;
- #12aac735e7 MQTT client credentials advanced filtering;
- #80 Shared subscriptions management.
- Performance improvements for message processing. See: #e0c66d3052, #03409f7f18, #a1dd722deb, #3af40bb504, #55ff71bea8, #5f11148025, #79db26751c commits;
- #d437200ba1 Added possibility to buffer messages before sending to subscribers;
- #a091e31963 Delete Kafka consumer group API.
- #78 Migrate to Angular 15;
- #9231eaafc9 Added Kafka management pages;
- #25289016b5 Sidebar menu optimization;
- #7a685d5e00 Added option to disconnect/remove several client sessions;
- #ed1f9ffd39 Management of shared subscriptions;
- #06b881694f Shared subscriptions advanced filtering;
- #6b1ee03d8d, #7a685d5e00 Client sessions advanced filtering;
- #f229a35c5d, #38532959f5 MQTT client credentials advanced filtering;
- #3334cb4666, #c42b8f3b63 New form for client credentials creation;
- #7ba4996cbe Added filter buttons from Home page for sessions and client credentials;
- #971cdb8b27, #9ff6a349d6 Added check connectivity window after creation of client credentials;
- #702e98b673, #f7efffbe42 Getting started guide on Home page updates;
- #7019da05ff, #340853add6 Monitoring charts minor updates.
Bug fixes:
- #70 Fixed shared subscriptions processing with QoS 0 ("AT_MOST_ONCE");
- #eae45b9781 Start processing shared subscriptions for persistent clients without additional subscribe message;
- #0303a0e3f6 Fixed issue for persistent clients and shared subscriptions:
Application - corrected qos change for existing subscription, Device - stop receiving stored messages twice on client connect if it sends subscribe.
- #77 Fix user logout when changing password on Profile page on "Skip" button hit;
- #25108bf9db Fixed loading animation in Home page for inactive browser tab;
- #7901fedae9, #fe01288420 MQTT client credentials authorization topic rules bug fixes.