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You need CMake to configure the project and the GCC or Clang compiler and associated tool chain.

  1. Clone the project repo
git clone
  1. Change current directory into the project folder, build an executable file using make
cd cpp_training/
  1. Run the executable file

A message will appear asking you to set path to input file, output folder and output file name.

Enter path to input file: 
Set path to the folder you want to save output file (ex: /home/Documents): 
  • Path can be absolute path or relative path
  • The output folder will be created if it is not existed
  • The output will be saved as output.csv in your given output folder
  • If output.csv already exists in the output folder, it will be overwritten

Config file

    "simulationDuration": 10,
    "errorTolerance": 0.01,
    "timeStep": 1,
    "initialValues": {"S": 999, "I": 1, "R": 0, "V": 0},
    "parameters": {"beta": 1.2, "N": 1000},
    "transitions": {
        "S -> 0.3 * I": {"distribution": "mathExpression", "expression": "beta * S * I / N"}, 
        "S -> 0.7 * V": {"distribution": "constant", "constant": 2},
        "V -> R": {"distribution": "exponential", "rate": 1.5}, 
        "I -> R": {"distribution": "gamma", "scale": 2, "shape": 3}
  • simulationDuration: suppose the unit of time is days, this define the number of days for follow-up
  • errorTolerance: the cdf of a distribution will never reach 1.0, this indicate when to round the cdf to 1.0
    • When the cdf reach 0.99 (which means errorTolerance = 0.01) it will be rounded to 1.0 and the day that cdf = 0.99 is number of subcompartments
    • If errorTolerance = 0 and the program run endlessly because it produces infinite subcompartments
  • timeStep: if a day is binned into 100 smaller time bins, a time step will be 0.01 day, define here "timeStep": 0.01
  • initialValues: number of individuals in a compartment at the first time step
  • parameters: if we define a compartment transition using math expression, define all the parameters here
  • transitions:
    • S -> I: compartment S transitions to compartment I
    • S -> I then S -> V: compartment S transitions to compartment I, then the rest of S transitions to I
  • To define multinomial
    • 0.3 * S -> I, 0.7 * S -> V: S concurrently transitions to I and V, of which 30% moves to I and 70% moves to V
  • distribution: distribution of waiting time, could be one of the followings
    • gamma (gamma distribution): parameters are scale and shape
    • weibull (weibull distribution): parameters are scale and shape
    • exponential (exponential distribution): parameter is rate
    • lognormal (log-normal distribution): parameters are mu and sigma
    • mathExpression (math expression): put any math expression to the mathExpression parameter, the expression can contains compartment names and other parameters that have been predefined in parameters
    • constant (constant): parameter is constant, set a fixed number of individuals moving per time step
    • transitionProb (transition probability): parameter is transitionProb, a fix rate transition moving per time step
    • nonparametric: parameter is waitingTime, put a vector contains the waiting time values, the values can be percentages or frequencies, for example {"distribution": "nonparametric", "waitingTime": [3, 5.323, 2, 2.02, 3, 3, 1]}


C++ training






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