Do not use this Nginx in Production. For production, use
Name | Version | Port |
nginx | 1.18.0 | 80 |
PHP8.1 | 8.1.7 | 9000 |
redis | 5.0.11 | 6379 |
Install docker in your machine. Also recommended to install docker-compose.
# pull latest image
docker pull thuydx/nginx:latest
Create a docker-compose.yml
in your project root with contents something similar to:
# ./docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
image: thuydx/nginx:latest
# For different app you can use different names. (eg: )
container_name: some-app
# app source code
- ./path/to/your/app:/var/www/html
# db data persistence
- db_data:/var/lib/mysql
# Here you can also volume php ini settings
# - /path/to/zz-overrides:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/zz-overrides.ini
- 80:80
db_data: {}
URL rewrite is already enabled for you.
Either your app has public/
folder or not, the rewrite adapts automatically.
PHP: 8.1.7
Total: 73
- apcu - ast - bcmath - bz2
- calendar - core - ctype - curl
- date - dom - ds - exif
- ffi - fileinfo - filter - ftp
- gd - gettext - gmp - grpc
- hash - iconv - igbinary - imap
- intl - json - ldap - libxml
- maxminddb - mbstring - mcrypt - memcached
- msgpack - mysqli - mysqlnd - oauth
- openssl - pcntl - pcov - pcre
- pdo - pdo_mysql - phar - posix
- pspell - psr - readline - redis
- reflection - session - shmop - simplexml
- soap - sockets - sodium - spl
- standard - swoole - sysvmsg - sysvsem
- sysvshm - tidy - tokenizer - uuid
- xdebug - xml - xmlreader - xmlwriter
- xsl - yaml - zend opcache - zip
- zlib
redis auth