Starting with version 2.0.0, the connectors no longer use Neo4j's HTTP API. Providing the HTTP address in the URL field of the tool configuration will result in an error. Going forward, the address that should be entered in the URL field is the address for the bolt protocol (typically port 7687). Any existing workflows will need to have the URL field updated before they will work again. If you have enabled bolt over TLS, be sure to use the bolt+s:// protocol in the URL. Failure to specify '+s' for TLS connections will result in a connection error.
This breaking change was made to eliminate a source of connection issues in the connectors.
Other changes in this release include:
- Added a feature to use generic Windows credentials for authentication. If a generic Windows credential exists with the URL specified in the connector, the engine will use those credentials to log into Neo4j. This means you do not have to provide a username and password in the configuration of the tool. Note: to validate queries in the Input tool screen, you will still need to provide a username and password. The HTML-based configuration screen is not able to access Windows credentials.
- Updated the goalteryx SDK and Neo4j driver versions to the latest versions
- Updated the UI framework to the latest stable version
- Included in the download file is a ZIP file for manual installations. Use this if you are unable to use the installer or if the installer does not work.