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Coding Network Revisions

Alex Bettinardi edited this page Jan 9, 2025 · 1 revision

Master Network File

All network and zone (including world market) related inputs are stored in a master VISUM version file by year - inputs\t0\swimNetworkAttributes.ver.

There can be multiple versions of this file in the inputs because the networks can vary be year. The base network input file is in t0 and any additional year specific input files are stored in their respective tyear folders.

When SWIM runs, the SI module calls, which looks in the current year input folder for a VISUM version file, and if it does not find one, then it looks in the next earlier year input folder, and continues to do so until t0.


Almost all of the required highway network edits can be done on links.

Steps to Code Highway Network Revisions

  1. Copy the base year input version file to the input folder for the year of the network change.
  2. Load the version file into VISUM and start editing the network.
  3. Make sure to edit the following link attributes:
    1. TSys Set - allowed user classes (see below)
    2. Length (auto populated by VISUM) - link length in miles
    3. Speed (v0-Prt) - free flow speed
    4. Lanes - number of lanes
    5. Capacity PrT - capacity for shortest path tests (will be overridden by assignment preparation procedures)
    6. Plan no. - functional class (see below)
    7. Toll_AUTO_XX - where XX is one of the four time periods (NT, OP, PK, PM). Each value represents toll for Auto in 2010 dollars
    8. Toll_TRUCK_XX - where XX is one of the four time periods (NT, OP, PK, PM). Each value represents toll for Truck in 2010 dollars
    9. CAP_PER_HR - hourly link capacity per lane; used to calculated CapacityPrT
    10. METER_PK - Zero by default, all locations with Peak ramp metering will have this value subtracted from the CAP_PER_HR for the PK time period
    11. METER_OP - Zero by default, all locations with Off-Peak ramp metering will have this value subtracted from the CAP_PER_HR for the OP time period
    12. METER_PM - Zero by default, all locations with PM Peak ramp metering will have this value subtracted from the CAP_PER_HR for the PM time period
    13. TypeNo - link VDF code (see below). Also TypeNo references the max speed by mode from the link types table.
    14. LRS - (Linear Referencing System) needs to be considered whenever link edits / additions are made. If there is no LRS number for the link being edited, this field and the MP, and HWY fields below can be ignored.
    15. MIN_MP - Represents the minimum mile point for the link. This would typically be considered the "BEG_MP", but it's referred to as min just to clarify that this field is always the minimum value regardless of the direction of travel.
    16. MAX_MP - Represents the maximum mile point for the link. This would typically be considered the "END_MP", but it's referred to as max just to clarify that this field is always the maximum value regardless of the direction of travel.
    17. HWYNUM - Will eventually be the Highway number associated with each link (comes from the LRS). Currently this field is sparsely populated by bridge location data. However, this field needs to be maintained and will eventually be a trusted field allowing users to identify routes by highway number.
    18. HWYNAME - Will eventually be the Highway name associated with each link. Currently this field is sparsely populated by bridge location data. However, this field needs to be maintained and will eventually be a trusted field allowing users to identify routes by highway name.
    19. BRIDGE_IDS - The bridge ids of any bridge falling on a given link. Currently only state bridges have been identified and coded. The linkage to the bridge network is critical for SWIM-ODOT project analysis. This attribute needs to be considered and properly maintained as network edits and additions are made. Note that there can be many bridges on a given link (as links can be quite long). If multiple bridges exist on a link, the IDs are separated with a ":". If a state maintained bridge exists off the LRS system (example -overpasses where the bridge isn't on an LRS, but because it crosses the state system it's maintained by the state), code the LRS as 0 and the MIN_MP and MAX_MP fields with the extent of MPs for the bridges on the given link.
    20. BRIDGE_MPS - The MP that the given Bridge ID(s) falls at. The MP numbering follows the bridge ID, so if there are multiple bridges on a link the MPs are separated by a ":" (the order of the MPs follows the IDs).
    21. BRIDGE_NAMES - The Name for a given Bridge ID(s). The naming follows the bridge ID, so if there are multiple bridges on a link the names for each bridge is separated by a ":" (the order of the names follows the IDs).
  4. Prohibit turns if needed
  5. Add connectors if needed. Connectors have fixed travel times based on default speeds calculated during the assignment procedure. Make sure zone connectors connect to links with adequate capacity. Connector travel times should never be greater than 10 mins (600 seconds). For large zones with low activity, use 10 seconds of travel time for long connectors.
  6. When adding nodes Use the following node number groupings / categories:
Node Range Description
1-99,999 All Non-Metro Auto Nodes. Choose a node number as close as possible to surrounding nodes
100,000 - 200,000 Auto nodes in the Metro Model Area. Choose a node number as close as possible to surrounding nodes
800,000s Airport Nodes
900,000s Train station Nodes
  1. After coding revisions, use the Graphics + Shortest Path Search tool to check that the additions are routable. Also run the Check Network Consistency check under Calculate + Network Check.


SWIM does not explicitly model the local bus system. Only "premium" transit service such as LRT, BRT, Amtrak, and Greyhound are modeled on the network. The definition of transit lines is split across multiple network objects in VISUM. The objects are stop points, lines, line routes, and time profiles. These network objects are briefly described as follows:

  1. Stop point – the actual physical point where the line stops (Stop Areas and Stops are also used as described below. Additional note, in SWIM stops must be coded at nodes, not at mid-points along a link).
  2. Line – a simple name or label for a line such as the “#5”
  3. Line route – the node sequence for a line
  4. Time profile – the time it takes to traverse the line, including run time, dwell time, is boarding possible, is alighting possible, and headway.
  5. Link - The TSYSSET (transport system set) field determines if the link is available for a transit line. The link must be open for the TSYSSET of the line being coded in order to code the line.

Steps to Code Transit Network Revisions

  1. Copy the base year input version file to the input folder for the year of the network change.
  2. Load the version file into VISUM and start editing the network.
  3. Add network links for the line to traverse if new right-of-way needs to be coded
  4. Set the TSysSet to include the transit mode being coded
  5. Add the transit stop points at every stop location. Stop points should snap to network nodes (note Visum has an option to code stops at link mid-points, but SWIM is not setup to use these stops. SWIM will crash if mid-point stops are coded. Stops must be coded at nodes. If a mid link point is the best location to represent a transit stop, consider splitting the link and adding a node at that point). When creating a stop point, VISUM also creates the stop area and stop. There are actually three types of stops in VISUM – stop points, stop areas, and stops – that are used to model complex intermodal transit centers. In SWIM, every transit stop node consists of all three. Make sure to delete all three if you want to delete a stop point.
  6. Add the line
  7. Switch to Line, switch to Add mode, then select Line and click on the map
  8. Enter the Line name and TSys.
  9. Add the line route
  10. Switch to Line Route and click on the map. Select the just created Line and name this sequence of stops. The name is often "Inbound" or "Outbound". You can ignore the Direction attribute.
  11. Edit course - specify the sequence of stops and links used between stops. To specify the line route course, click and drag from the first stop to the next stop. VISUM will shortest path route the line route through the network links open to the TSys. Continue to click and drag from the last stop point to the next one until the line is complete. Click ok to accept the line routing. Remember that the opposite direction also needs to be created. A good way to complete this quickly is to finish one direction and then right click on the line route and choose to create the opposite direction line route.
  12. Click on the Items and time profiles tab and check the StopTime and RunTime fields. These are the times the line takes to stop at the stops and traverse the links between stops. These need to be set using the Set Run and Dwell Times dialog (the little Clock icon).
  13. Set the Run and Dwell Times (for each route/direction) as follows:
    1. Check update travel times and from link attribute, then use a multiplier on link length. Make sure to set Round to 1 second.
    2. Check update dwell times and from time profile item attribute, set 120 * prelength (i.e. 2 min per previous miles since last stop).
  14. Set the headways for peak and offpeak under User-defined attributes: Time profiles. The headways are in seconds.
  15. You can modify a line route by selecting a line route and then clicking the Edit Course button
  16. Transit connectors are automatically coded by
  17. If making transit fare changes, update the inputs\t0\IntraCityTransitFares.csv file. This file includes the district to district transit fares in year 2007 dollars and is used in conjunction with the Zone FARE district attribute to build a zone-to-zone fare matrix since fare is not skimmed from the network (see Fares).
  18. If local transit LOS is expected to change significantly, update the inputs\parameters\losInfo.csv file. This is the Local Transit Function (LTF) transit service area level-of-service definition file.


When editing the zone system in SWIM, there are approximately ~200 zone fields that need to be updated at the time that zone boundaries are edited. The zone fields are listed and described below. When zone numbers are to be edited or added, they must conform to the zone number ranges in the following table:

Range Description
1-3999 Oregon
970 - 1244 Metro MPO, Clark County Washington Side
4000-4999 Halo
5000-5999 External stations
6000+ World markets

External Stations

inputs\parameters\ExternalStationVolumes.csv contains the external station volumes for use by the LDT model.

Zone 5012 is the Port of Portland

World Markets expects world markets to be coded as POI category 7 in the version file. The POIs contain user defined attributes for import/export commodity flows.

Beta Zones

Beta zone boundaries and numbering is stored in the "Main Zones" object in Visum, which is linked to the Zone object (alpha zones). There are no zone attributes retained in the Main zone object. All of the zone data for Main (Beta) zones is aggregated from the alpha zone (zones object) dataset. While there is no data stored at the beta zone layer, it is Very Important to note that the boundaries nor numbering for Beta zones can not be altered at this time. This is because Beta zones are used for the land use model, PECAS-AA, in SWIM. The AA land use module is highly calibrated. The calibration was specified for the beta zone layer and base year data aggregated to that beta zone layer. Additionally, there are 26 beta zone skim matrices that have been developed as starting point matrices for the land use models. Altering, the beta zone structure would require the starting point matrices to be redeveloped and for the calibration of the AA module of SWIM to be checked - an expensive and time consuming endeavor. Therefore, while it is theoretically possible to change the Beta Zone structure, practically it is basically impossible.

Starting Skims - t19

The SWIM repository has 58 alpha level skims in the t19 folder. If the zone structure is ever edited or altered, special care needs to be taken to evaluate and update the starting skims. If new zone numbers are introduce to the zone layer (zone numbers that wouldn't have previously existed in the skims), near by zones to the new zones need to be duplicated in the starting skims, so that the starting skims zone numbering perfectly aligns with the new zone numbering system. This is needed to get the model to run through time. Once the model successfully runs through time, the t20 (2010) skims that are output need to be taken and placed in the t19 output folder to overwrite and update the original starting skims to the revised zone structure. This has to be done for all 84 starting skims (58 alpha, 26 beta). The user needs to iterate on this run and overwrite step several times, until the difference between the t19 and t20 skims is negligible. Note that due to SWIM's size and time to run, specific "convergence" criteria has not been developed. To this point, the approach has been to run about 3 times, checking each time and reviewing the differences in skims (specifically for cells of revised zones across skims) to determine when the skim values have reach an acceptable level of difference. (Again, acceptable is not yet defined).

Other Input Files

  1. inputs\parameters\air_inputs.csv - Air network skims (such as travel time, distance, fare)
  2. inputs\parameters\worldZoneDistances.csv - Distances from external station zones to world markets. This does not need to be changed.

Reference Tables

Transport Systems

Transport System Description Status
a personal car
b intracity bus (local) not modeled
d truck Only one track class is assigned and skimmed in SWIM
i intercity bus (greyhound)
l light rail
m amtrak
n air in network but not used
r other rail
t intercity rail
x eXpress bus, BRT
w transit walk


Link Type VDF Field Code VDF Settings Road Type
00,10,20,...,90 and 01,11,21,...,91 1 Conical(7,0.98) Urban Interstates
02,12,22,...,92 2 Conical(4,1.21) Urban Other
03,13,23,...,93 3 BPR (0.6,3.5,1) Rural Interstates
04,14,24,...,94 4 BPR (0.83,2.5,1.35) Rural Other
All other values 5 Constant Not Used
Link Type Series Description
0-9 Max speed for Trucks = 55 mph, West side of the Cascades
10-19 Max speed for Trucks = 60 mph, East side of the Cascades - Major Highways (and Interstates in WA)
20-29 Max speed for Trucks = 65 mph, East side of the Cascades - Interstates
30-39 Max speed for Trucks = 70 mph, ID and NV - Interstates

Temp notes for Metro truck penalty

Travel the link twice for trucks. For links where tkpth = 1: Trucks see an additional delay of 1 * free flow travel time on the link Total impedance = congested travel time + (1 * free flow travel time) + any truck toll time

Link Type VDF Field Code VDF Settings Truck Max Speed
41 1 Conical(7,0.98) Max Truck speed 25mph (speed limit 50)
42 2 Conical(4,1.21) Max Truck speed 13mph (speed limit 20-25)
51 1 Conical(7,0.98) Max Truck speed 28mph (speed limit 55)
52 2 Conical(4,1.21) Max Truck speed 18mph (speed limit 30-35)
62 2 Conical(4,1.21) Max Truck speed 23mph (speed limit 40-45)

Travel the link thrice for trucks. For links where tkpth = 2: Trucks see an additional delay of 2 * free flow travel time on the link Total impedance = congested travel time + (2 * free flow travel time) + any truck toll time

Link Type VDF Field Code VDF Settings Truck Max Speed
71 1 Conical(7,0.98) Max Truck speed 17mph (speed limit 50)
72 2 Conical(4,1.21) Max Truck speed 8mph (speed limit 20-25)
81 1 Conical(7,0.98) Max Truck speed 18mph (speed limit 55)
82 2 Conical(4,1.21) Max Truck speed 12mph (speed limit 30-35)
92 2 Conical(4,1.21) Max Truck speed 15mph (speed limit 40-45)

Functional Class

Code Description
1 Rural Freeway-Interstate
2 Rural Principle Arterial
4 Rural Minor Arterial
5 Rural Major Collector
6 Rural Minor Collector
7 Rural Local
8 Rural Freeway Ramp
11 Urban Freeway – Interstate
12 Urban Principle Arterial
14 Urban Minor Arterial
15 Urban Major Collector
17 Urban Local Street
18 Urban Freeway Ramp

Zone Fields

Name Description Comment
NO The Alpha Zone Number Zone Identifier
BZONE The Beta Zone Number In Visum this is stored as "MainZoneNo"
ACT The Area Commission on Transportation Area Area Boundary
ALDREGION The Model is divided into 15 Regions with ALD operates (distributes construction dollars) Area Boundary
COUNTY The County that the Zone falls within Area Boundary
STATE The State that the Zone falls within Area Boundary
MPO The MPO that the Zone falls within Area Boundary
MPOMODELEDZONES The Local Urban Model that the Zone falls within Area Boundary
PECASNAME Descriptive Areas defined for PECAS marked for deletion if possible
PUMACE10 The PUMA from 2000 Census that the Zone falls within Area Boundary for PopSim
PUMA2000 The PUMA from 2000 Census that the Zone falls within Area Boundary for SPG
SERVICEAREA The Transit Service area. These areas need to align with the "losInfo.csv" file in inputs/parameters. Used in Generalized Transit. The python code is hard coded to use this field.
DAYPARK Representative cost to park in the given zone for a day ($2009) Input to PT
HOURPARK Representative cost to park in the given zone for an hour ($2009) Input to PT
FARE Transit Fare Zones Input to PT; used to create transit fare matrix
AREASQFT The amount of total sqft in a zone Legacy zone variable that is now auto calculated off of "AREAMI2" (a Visum internal field) and is no longer maintained by the user.
GRIDACRES The amount of acres in a zone, Legacy input A variable that is now auto calculated off of "AREAMI2" (a Visum internal field) and is no longer maintained by the user
HH0to8k1to2 Number of Households in 0 - $7,590 ($2009) HH size 1-2 1 of 18 HH Categories
HH0to8k3plus Number of Households in 0 - $7,590 ($2009) HH size 3+ 2 of 18 HH Categories
HH106kUp1to2 Number of Households in $106,260+ ($2009) HH size 1-2 3 of 18 HH Categories
HH106kUp3plus Number of Households in $106,260+ ($2009) HH size 3+ 4 of 18 HH Categories
HH15to23k1to2 Number of Households in $15,180 - $22,770 ($2009) HH size 1-2 5 of 18 HH Categories
HH15to23k3plus Number of Households in $15,180 - $22,770 ($2009) HH size 3+ 6 of 18 HH Categories
HH23to32k1to2 Number of Households in $22,770 - $30,360 ($2009) HH size 1-2 7 of 18 HH Categories
HH23to32k3plus Number of Households in $22,770 - $30,360 ($2009) HH size 3+ 8 of 18 HH Categories
HH32to46k1to2 Number of Households in $30,360 - $45,540 ($2009) HH size 1-2 9 of 18 HH Categories
HH32to46k3plus Number of Households in $30,360 - $45,540 ($2009) HH size 3+ 10 of 18 HH Categories
HH46to61k1to2 Number of Households in $45,540 - $60,720 ($2009) HH size 1-2 11 of 18 HH Categories
HH46to61k3plus Number of Households in $45,540 - $60,720 ($2009) HH size 3+ 12 of 18 HH Categories
HH61to76k1to2 Number of Households in $60,720 - $75,900 ($2009) HH size 1-2 13 of 18 HH Categories
HH61to76k3plus Number of Households in $60,720 - $75,900 ($2009) HH size 3+ 14 of 18 HH Categories
HH76to106k1to2 Number of Households in $75,900 - $160,260 ($2009) HH size 1-2 15 of 18 HH Categories
HH76to106k3plus Number of Households in$75,900 - $160,260 ($2009) HH size 3+ 16 of 18 HH Categories
HH8to15k1to2 Number of Households in $7,590 - $15,180 ($2009) HH size 1-2 17 of 18 HH Categories
HH8to15k3plus Number of Households in $7,590 - $15,180 ($2009) HH size 3+ 18 of 18 HH Categories
CNST_MAIN_XXX Construction-Maintenance: NAICS codes: 236115-236220, 237210 1 of 52 Industry Categories
CNST_NRES_XXX Construction-Nonresidential: NAICS codes: 236115-236220, 237210 2 of 52 Industry Categories
CNST_OFFC_OFF Construction Office Support: NAICS codes: Office Emp included in main function NAICS 3 of 52 Industry Categories
CNST_OTHR_XXX Construction-Other: NAICS codes: 237110-237130, 237310-237990 4 of 52 Industry Categories
CNST_RES_XXX Construction-Residential: NAICS codes: 236115-236220, 237210 5 of 52 Industry Categories
ENGY_ELEC_HI Energy-Electric: NAICS codes: 221111-221122 6 of 52 Industry Categories
ENGY_NGAS_HI Energy-Natural Gas: NAICS codes: 221210 7 of 52 Industry Categories
ENGY_OFFC_OFF Energy Office Support: NAICS codes: Office Emp included in main function NAICS 8 of 52 Industry Categories
ENGY_PTRL_HI Energy-Petroleum: NAICS codes: 424710, 493190 9 of 52 Industry Categories
ENT_ENT_RET Entertainment: NAICS codes: 711110-713990 10 of 52 Industry Categories
FIRE_FNIN_OFF Finance and Insurance: NAICS codes: 521110-525990, 533110 11 of 52 Industry Categories
FIRE_REAL_OFF Real Estate: NAICS codes: 531110-531390 12 of 52 Industry Categories
GOV_ADMN_GOV Government Administration Operations: NAICS codes: 921110-928120 13 of 52 Industry Categories
GOV_OFFC_OFF Government Administration Office Support: NAICS codes: 921110-928120 14 of 52 Industry Categories
HIED_HIED_OFF_INST Education-Higher: NAICS codes: 611210-611699 15 of 52 Industry Categories
HLTH_CARE_INST Health-Care Facility: NAICS codes: 623110-623990 16 of 52 Industry Categories
HLTH_HOSP_HOSP Health-Hospital: NAICS codes: 622110-622310 17 of 52 Industry Categories
HLTH_OTHR_OFF_LI Health-Other: NAICS codes: 621111-621999 18 of 52 Industry Categories
HOSP_ACC_ACC Accommodations: NAICS codes: 721110-721310 19 of 52 Industry Categories
HOSP_EAT_RET_ACC Eating and Drinking Places: NAICS codes: 722110-722410 20 of 52 Industry Categories
INFO_INFO_OFF Information Office Support: NAICS codes: 511110-519130 (except 518210) 21 of 52 Industry Categories
INFO_INFO_OFF_LI Information: NAICS codes: 511110-519130 (except 518210) 22 of 52 Industry Categories
K12_K12_K12 Education-K12: NAICS codes: 611110, 611710, 518210, 541214 23 of 52 Industry Categories
K12_K12_OFF Education-K12 Office Support: NAICS codes: 611110, 611710, 518210, 541214 24 of 52 Industry Categories
MFG_FOOD_HI Manufacturing-Food HI: NAICS codes: 238992-312140 25 of 52 Industry Categories
MFG_FOOD_LI Manufacturing-Food LI: NAICS codes: 238992-312140 26 of 52 Industry Categories
MFG_HTEC_HI Manufacturing-High Tech HI: NAICS codes: Not sure on NAICS yet 27 of 52 Industry Categories
MFG_HTEC_LI Manufacturing-High Tech LI: NAICS codes: Not sure on NAICS yet 28 of 52 Industry Categories
MFG_HVTW_HI Manufacturing-High VTW HI: NAICS codes: 313111-316999, 322211-323122, 325411-325414, 326111-326299, 332111-333999, 335110-339999 29 of 52 Industry Categories
MFG_HVTW_LI Manufacturing-High VTW LI: NAICS codes: 313111-316999, 322211-323122, 325411-325414, 326111-326299, 332111-333999, 335110-339999 30 of 52 Industry Categories
MFG_LVTW_HI Manufacturing-Low VTW HI: NAICS codes: 324110-325320, 325510-325998, 327111-331528, 334111-334612 31 of 52 Industry Categories
MFG_OFFC_OFF Manufacturing Office Support: NAICS codes: Office Emp included in main function NAICS 32 of 52 Industry Categories
MFG_WDPPR_HI Manufacturing-Wood and Paper HI: NAICS codes: 32113-322130 33 of 52 Industry Categories
RES_AGMIN_AG Resource-Ag and Mining: NAICS codes: 111120-112990, 114111-213115 34 of 52 Industry Categories
RES_FORST_LOG Resource-Forest: NAICS codes: 113110-113310 35 of 52 Industry Categories
RES_OFFC_OFF Resource Office Support: NAICS codes: Office Emp included in main function NAICS 36 of 52 Industry Categories
RET_AUTO_RET Retail-Automotive+services: NAICS codes: 441110-441320, 447110, 447190, 454111-454390, 532111-532120, 811111-811198 37 of 52 Industry Categories
RET_NSTOR_OFF Retail-Nonstore: NAICS codes: Not sure on NAICS yet 38 of 52 Industry Categories
RET_STOR_OFF Retail-Store Office Support: NAICS codes: Office Emp included in main function NAICS 39 of 52 Industry Categories
RET_STOR_RET Retail-Store: NAICS codes: 442110-453998 (except 447110, 447190) 40 of 52 Industry Categories
SERV_BUS_OFF Services-Business: NAICS codes: 551112-561210, 561410-561622, 561910-561990 41 of 52 Industry Categories
SERV_HOME_XXX Services-at Customer's House: NAICS codes: 814110 42 of 52 Industry Categories
SERV_NONP_OFF_INST Services-Nonprofit: NAICS codes: 624110-624310, 813110-813990 43 of 52 Industry Categories
SERV_SITE_LI Services-at Customer's Business: NAICS codes: 532411-532490, 561710-561790, 811211-811490 44 of 52 Industry Categories
SERV_STOR_RET Services-Storefront: NAICS codes: 532210-532310, 624410, 812111-812990 45 of 52 Industry Categories
SERV_TECH_OFF Services-Professional and Technical: NAICS codes: 541110-541990 (except 541214), 561311-561330 46 of 52 Industry Categories
TRNS_TRNS_OFF Transport Office Support: NAICS codes: Office Emp included in main function NAICS 47 of 52 Industry Categories
TRNS_TRNS_WARE Transport: NAICS codes: 481111-492210 48 of 52 Industry Categories
UTL_OTHR_OFF Utilities-Other Office Support: NAICS codes: Office Emp included in main function NAICS 49 of 52 Industry Categories
UTL_OTHR_OFF_LI Utilities-Other: NAICS codes: 221310-221320, 562111-562998 50 of 52 Industry Categories
WHSL_OFFC_OFF Wholesale: NAICS codes: Office Emp included in main function NAICS 51 of 52 Industry Categories
WHSL_WHSL_WARE Wholesale Office Support: NAICS codes: 423110-425120 (except 424710, 493190),493110-493130 52 of 52 Industry Categories
FLR_Accommodation Accomodation - Non-Residential Floorspace 1 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_Agriculture Agriculture (includes Mining) - Resource Floorspace 2 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_AT Attached Home - Residential Floorspace 3 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_Government_Support Government Support - Non-Residential Floorspace 4 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_Heavy_Industry Heavey Industry - Non-Residential Floorspace 5 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_Hospital Hospital - Non-Residential Floorspace 6 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_Institutional Institutional - Non-Residential Floorspace 7 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_K12 Grade School (K12) - Non-Residential Floorspace 8 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_Light_Industry Light Industry - Non-Residential Floorspace 9 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_Logging Logging - Resource Floorspace 10 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_MF Multi-Family, Institutional - Residential Floorspace 11 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_MH Manufactured or Mobile Home - Residential Floorspace 12 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_Office Ofice - Non-Residential Floorspace 13 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_Retail Retail - Non-Residential Floorspace 14 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_RRMH Rural Res MH - Residential Floorspace 15 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_RRSFD Rural Res SFD - Residential Floorspace 16 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_SFD Single Family Home (Dwelling) - Residential Floorspace 17 of 18 Floorspace Categories
FLR_Warehouse Warehouse - Non-Residential Floorspace 18 of 18 Floorspace Categories
BD Beaches and Dunes 1 of 55 Zoning Categories
CC Commercial - Central 2 of 55 Zoning Categories
CE Coastal Estuarine 3 of 55 Zoning Categories
CEE Combo equal emphasis 4 of 55 Zoning Categories
CG Commercial - General 5 of 55 Zoning Categories
CN Commercial - Neighborhood 6 of 55 Zoning Categories
CO Commercial - Office 7 of 55 Zoning Categories
CPE Combo with priority emphasis 8 of 55 Zoning Categories
CS Coastal Shorelands 9 of 55 Zoning Categories
EFU160 Exclusive Farm Use 160+ 10 of 55 Zoning Categories
EFU20 Exclusive Farm Use 20+ 11 of 55 Zoning Categories
EFU40 Exclusive Farm Use 40+ 12 of 55 Zoning Categories
EFU80 Exclusive Farm Use 80 13 of 55 Zoning Categories
FF160 Mixed Farm-Forest 160+ 14 of 55 Zoning Categories
FF20 Mixed Farm-Forest 20 15 of 55 Zoning Categories
FF40 Mixed Farm-Forest 40 16 of 55 Zoning Categories
FF80 Mixed Farm-Forest 80 17 of 55 Zoning Categories
FOR Federal Forest 18 of 55 Zoning Categories
FUD Future Urban Development 19 of 55 Zoning Categories
HDR High-density Res. 20 of 55 Zoning Categories
IC Industrial Campus 21 of 55 Zoning Categories
IH Industral - Heavy 22 of 55 Zoning Categories
IL Industral - Light 23 of 55 Zoning Categories
IO Industrial Office 24 of 55 Zoning Categories
IRM Indian reservation/tribal trust 25 of 55 Zoning Categories
LDR Low-density Res. 26 of 55 Zoning Categories
MA Mineral and Aggregate 27 of 55 Zoning Categories
MDR Medium-density Res. 28 of 55 Zoning Categories
MFL10 Marginal Farm Land 10+ 29 of 55 Zoning Categories
MHDR Medium High-density Res. 30 of 55 Zoning Categories
MLDR Medium Low-density Res. 31 of 55 Zoning Categories
MUREH Mixed-Use Com. & Res. Extremely High 32 of 55 Zoning Categories
MURH Mixed-Use Com. & Res. High 33 of 55 Zoning Categories
MURL Mixed-Use Com. & Res. Low 34 of 55 Zoning Categories
MURM Mixed-Use Com. & Res. Medium 35 of 55 Zoning Categories
MURMH Mixed-Use Com. & Res. Med-high 36 of 55 Zoning Categories
MURVH Mixed-Use Com. & Res. V.High 37 of 55 Zoning Categories
O Other 38 of 55 Zoning Categories
OSC Open Space/Conservation 39 of 55 Zoning Categories
PF Public & semi-public Uses 40 of 55 Zoning Categories
PF80 Prime Forest 80 41 of 55 Zoning Categories
POS Parks & Open Space 42 of 55 Zoning Categories
RC Rural Commercial 43 of 55 Zoning Categories
RI Rural Industrial 44 of 55 Zoning Categories
RNG Federal Range 45 of 55 Zoning Categories
RR1 Rural Residential 1 acre 46 of 55 Zoning Categories
RR10 Rural Residential 10 acres 47 of 55 Zoning Categories
RR2 Rural Residential 2-4 acres 48 of 55 Zoning Categories
RR5 Rural Residential 5 acres 49 of 55 Zoning Categories
SF80 Secondary Forest 80 50 of 55 Zoning Categories
UCRC UC Rural Commercial 51 of 55 Zoning Categories
UCRI UC Rural Industrial 52 of 55 Zoning Categories
VHDR Very High-density Res. 53 of 55 Zoning Categories
VLDR Very Low-density Res. 54 of 55 Zoning Categories
WATER Water 55 of 55 Zoning Categories
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