Quick start to using Git and GitHub
Git is pretty awesome. My most common "use case" for Git is working as a solo developer, working on different machines (home and work machines) and using GitHub to keep my work in place.
Following is the most straightforward way to start use Git and Github in this no-brainer manner. During development, only run steps indicated by * (7 - code, 9 - stage, 10 - commit, 12 - push).
git config --global user.email "<your github email>"
git config user.email "<your github email>"
git config --global user.name "<your github username>"
git config user.name "<your github username>"
git config --list
git init
git pull <url of remote (.git)> <branch name, e.g. master>
git remote add <name of repo> <url of repo (.git)>
git add --all
git commit -m "<commit message>"
git push --set-upstream <repo name> <branch name, e.g. master>
git push <repo name>