RtpLossDetect is a small series of scripts / programs that can help you detect packetloss in your network using RTP as baseline protocoll.
Programs need Golang with pcap and Python3
# rtpgen needs golang and golangpcap for sniffing packets
sudo apt-get install golang
sudo apt-get install golang-github-akrennmair-gopcap-dev/stable
cd rtpgen
go build
# rtpgen / rtpgenrcv needs python3
sudo apt-get install python3
# loss.sh needs tc - traffic control part of iproute2
sudo apt-get install iproute2
Please, before use read the differenet scripts. Get to know them.
Modify rtpgen.py with the right vars
# On the send side
# RTP packet generator parameters
source_port = 11337
destination_port = 21338
destination_ip = "" # Replace with actual IP
payload_size = 160
packet_interval = 0.02
# On the rcv side - edit rtpgenrcv/start.sh - set the right vars
# Start generating packets
python rtpgen/rtpgen.py
# Simulate loss
bash rtpgen/loss.sh 1%
On the rcv side
# After setting the right vars in start.sh
bash rtpgenrcv/start.sh
start.sh will generate output if it detects packetloss from the rtpgen. E.g. if sequence number in rtp stream does not add up.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.