Features include:
- Themable interactive calendar using the Full Calendar jQuery plugin.
- List view for events within selected category(ies).
- List view for events defined by terms.
- Folders for yearly and monthly organization of events.
- Landing Page for events within a given year or month.
- Repeatable events using daily, weekly, monthly and yearly options.
- Multi-channel output for a variety of pages (XHTML, PDF, RSS, iCal, XML).
- Display events from external resources (Google Calendar Feed, XML, JSON, Cascade XML and Feed Blocks)
Note: This version makes use of the Velocity #import
directive. For best results, import into an instance of Cascade running version 7.6 or greater; otherwise, the Formats being imported will need to be copied into the Format performing the import. Results may vary importing into 7.0.x, because of potential database structure changes and updates to how Dynamic Metadata are created/stored.
Calendar-Examples.csse has a few example single and recurring events, an external Google Calendar and sample customizations such as branding and social media icons.
Calendar-Clean.csse has no example events and is stripped of most customizations including headers, footers, and logos.
The list-events Velocity Format will pull events (create a Content Type Index Block first) into another Site for showing upcoming events from the calendar.
Note: External sources are not applicable.
The sort-events XSLT Format is applied at either the Template or Configuration Set Level to sort those events being pulled into other Sites.